Mauritius Ornate Day Gecko living in our Starfruits tree!

in #pob2 years ago


The Mauritian Ornate Day Gecko is endemic to Mauritius and its surrounding islands...

They feed on insects and fruits nectar! That's why I saw one living in our Starfruits tree.

I was not aware that it was living in that tree until couple of months ago when saw it for the first time...

Only then that my brother in law told me fact it is living there since when it was small!

These geckos are rare to find nowadays and are protected by law.

Better protect them and make them multiply or else...another one will be on the extinct list!

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Hi there, recently relocated from South Africa, would you be interested for a hive meet-up. Lol that lizard visits me everyday in Tombeau

Greetings of the day my friend!

Ohhh this is so nice to read. So you are in the northern part of the island and will you be here for approx. how long!?

It would be great to meet up for sure.

ps. I am sorry for the late reply, I am just too busy/!

Its an amazing animal and you can tell, it is very curious and inoffensive. I have several of these roaming around my yard and I read it keeps insects in control. Happy to have them around while it disgusts a lot of other people. For me, its a nature gift.