Living With Outrage Culture

in #poem5 years ago (edited)

If you are emotional I will rage at you
If you are not emotional enough I will rage at you

If you have an idea I don't like I will rage at you
If you don't like my idea I will rage at you

If you do not inflate my ego I will rage at you
If you hurt my ego I will rage at you

If you don't agree with my opinions I will rage at you
If you don't get my bias I will rage at you

If you didn't vote for who I wanted you to vote for I will rage at you
If you didn't vote I will rage at you

If you don't believe in what I believe in I will rage at you
If I can't change your mind I will rage at you

If you don't love me I will rage at you
If you don't treat me like I am lovable I will rage at you

If you don't like the box I have put myself in I will rage at you
If you don't let me put you in the box I will rage at you

If you are not what I wanted I will rage at you
If I am not what you want I will rage at you


Yep it’s a bit like that sometimes innit.

Posted using Partiko iOS

My country just went through an election - so seems like more than ever. FB is aggro as f.