A Love Milestone

in #poem4 months ago


everything changes
in a constant flux
of movement that never ends
but we will stay constant
in an ocean of chaos



a letter written
on the petals of flowers
ink made from the roots
of the roots that grow
stronger by the day
weeds that take over
the barren land
that was once there




our fingers clutch
around the beating heart
that has transformed
into something poetic
our fingers grow
deeper entwined
like the taproot
of a dandelion
yet we remain as vulnerable
as the seeds that float
with a slight breeze
that breaks apart
the cohesive whole


what started with
a barren dry land
bloomed into a field covered with flowers
from which I now pick
an endless supply of poems

Postscriptum, or Two Short Breaths

It has been two short moments. It felt like nothing, it felt like the world. A short novella, a series of books. In some moments the flowers bloomed, in other moments the flowers died, so as to make new seeds and space for new flowers to grow. It has been two years, and we have lived two lives. We have breathed for two people, we have drunk enough beer and wine for a lifetime. We have read so many poems that we have begun to grow roots covered with words.

For now, we smile at the future, for we do not know what it holds, but we know it contains us, entangled, covered in poetry, and drunk on love.

All of the writing in this post is my own, inspired by the girl whom I have been with for two years. The photographs are also my own, taken with my Nikon D300.


Two whole years, my darling <3

And many more to come. This is only the beginning. Dinge raak better as mens ouer raak.

Aw!! I love this. The photos, the lighting, the feeling >>> just beautiful!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Thanks to the lighting though. That is key!

Your thoughts is such soothing....love the way you present it.

Thank you so much! Always appreciate you stopping by. Keep well.