"A Silent Light"

in #poem23 days ago


The silence of the morning has awoken my sleeping soul
I'm not going to stay deaf from all of the chaos that hovers above me
The light of the day is slowly fading away from my room
Dark clouds are stirring every drop of hope I have...

I am sure I like the way things are turning recently
My heart feels the warmth of the deep ocean of my emotions
You got me sinking into my depths and I can't do anything
Until every desire that I have has been fulfilled

The roaring emotions that are deep within me were unleashed
My shadow is fading away from me until I found a new light
The gloomy path that I have chosen has shifted to a brighter day
A gleaming hope is slowly coming towards me...

Will I ever surpass the hurdles that will come my way?
Some questions can never be answered until the end of this
A path that will never show the destination until I get there
All I can do is walk on and along this path that I have chosen...



A delicate and thoughtful poem with significant metaphors such as living as a path and the silent light of awakening. A beautiful photo. Greetings, @photocircle.

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Your post has been voted by @celf.magazine, curatorial project and digital magazine about art and culture in Hive. Join our community and share your talent with us.