“Life’s Gem”

in #poem17 days ago


A path will never be the same even though it’s the same path we walked on
We will always make a difference on it as we step on
Allowing the light to shone through the dark areas
Making the illusions become part of the reality

There are moments in my life that I regret
While there are moments that makes me want to appreciate life
We all go through pains that would either break us or make us a better one
One should realize the beauty in every failures that will arise

There’s no real cure for one’s loneliness
It’s a moment in our journey that will make us appreciate the bright side
We will never be the same as soon as we go through life
Everything that will happen will make us the person that we are suppose to be

Our lives is journey that is enchanting as our dreams
We make it a reality or die trying
To make a firm grip at our goals is the ultimate game that we have to play
To be a part of a wonderful journey in achieving our life’s gem!



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