Blessed Beyond Words (An Original Poem)

in #poetry23 days ago

Blessed beyond words
truth is like a bird
with a broken wing,
it cannot fly
but can surely sing,

This song calls to me,
the inner voice
of muse speaks volumes,
stitching together
fractured moments
of my life
and giving each
of them worth,

These words
bubble up gently
from a place, cool and
deep inside of us all
that is immortal and wise.

Their warmth and their light
wash over me to cleanse my
soul and remind me that,
in a world the reeks of harshness,
we are never fools to be kind,

All who seek solace
will one day find,
in each day, a reason
to keep smiling
in spite of the world
and all of its beguiling
for it is true, we are
blessed beyond words.

~Eric Vance Walton~

Be well and make the most of this day. Thank you for reading!

(Gif sourced from

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What a beautiful poem and how true it is. The word is power, it is one of the most powerful weapons we have. With words we annihilate. It surprises us because words are not so big, for the gaps they leave. But as well as destroying, the word also edifies, helps, moves. Words are the jewel in the crown, the most precious asset of an intelligent man. In this world, words are one of those bridges that help us to find each other.
I don't know why I remembered, perhaps because of the bird that looks like a raven, Poe's The Raven. A beautiful Saturday to you, my friend

Thank you Nancy! I agree, words are definitely bridges between hearts and minds. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Lovely. I especially love the notion that poetry wells up from

from a place, cool and
deep inside of us all
that is immortal and wise.

If only we could all understand this calming, loving, poem. We are the power that creates worlds.

Thank you! Yes, that's the ironic thing about it all. All it takes is for people to turn their attention inward to discover their true power. It's right there and if it happened on a global level things would improve instantly. There are so many forces fighting against this discovery - survival, distractions, vices...the list goes on and on.

Indeed! We are blessed beyond words, because when I look around me, my loved ones, my true friends, good health and much more, I know that I genuinely have a reason to smile.
Beautiful poetry!

Thank you Jemima!

Beautiful poetry about life in this world. Have a nice day, Eric.

Thank you, Eliana! Enjoy your weekend.

in a world the reeks of harshness,
we are never fools to be kind,

It appears like a painful, incurable tapestry of life and the world we are dwelling in.

for it is true, we are
blessed beyond words.

Indeed, We are blessed.....a smile has that ability to construct hope!

Thank you Sir, Eric.

Have a great day.

Glad you enjoyed it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I like the swinging bird with the key.

I also enjoyed your words.

Thanks, it's fun choosing those gifs for poems. Sometimes, when it's a really good pairing, they bring out more meaning and dimension in the piece.

Truth is scarce in our World today but truth has its own voice and melody, which can't be hidden.
A nice poem!

So true! Thank you!

Blessed beyond words
truth is like a bird
with a broken wing,
it cannot fly
but can surely sing

Maybe this depends on the viewpoint, but if you are truly blessed beyond words (when you feel real and true love, happiness and enjoyment), then flying is exactly what you feel. Or at least something very close to it. You feel very light. As if you would be weightless. As if you would fly. Everything is good. Everything is as it should be.

I was referring to how you have to be open to it and let it in. It's something that's always around us but we have to be prepared to receive it.

Kindness is all that it takes, as we all have broken wings.
A great poem my friend!

Very true! Thank you very much. I wish you a wonderful Saturday!

And thank you also for the poem. Hope that your Sunday will be peaceful.

Hey @ericvancewalton, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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Yes! We all have that cool, deep place inside though so many folks can not or will not look inward.

Very true. If people only realized how easy and natural it is.

beautiful ))

we are never fools to be kind,

Spot on!! We are truly not fools to be kind.

Thanks for this amazing piece Eric.

Thanks for reading!

A very good point and we have learned a lot from this is the fact that if we talk to other people in our life with good manners and help them then this thing will also be good. For our next life, other people will also talk to us with good manners in the same way.

Karma is real!

A very lovely poem!

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Great job, it is a nice poem

Thanks, I appreciate it!

Good morning dear friend @ericvancewalton
What a beautiful composition, I love the final verse.
It's true, there is always a reason to keep smiling.
Have a wonderful weekend

Good morning, my friend. Thank you! I hope you and the family enjoy your weekend.

Wow! What a beautiful poem!

Sharing on Twitter.

Hey @ericvancewalton, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

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Well written, it definitely touched my innerself!

True, we should keep smiling as there is always hope.

Those who have good family and good friends live a good life

A very powerful poem you just composed here

No matter what, we are still blessed.

I love these lyrics

"All who seek solace
will one day find,
in each day, a reason
to keep smiling
in spite of the world
and all of its beguiling
for it is true, we are
blessed beyond words."

This is really a powerful poem I must confess. So powerful