
I adore that sepia coloring!!... that antique look!..can't stop using it :]

Ohh I am so so excited for it.. but I want to be as perfect as I can make it... it may even take a week.. I hope not more.. and I hope I will sound acceptable !!!

Already trying to imagine your voice :-)

I really hope I suits my writing well.. haha :]

Oh, it so does!! Are you planing to post on DTube? I posted my first video just now... in case you'd like to see me painting ;-)

Yes, I would like to make a channel, so I can cross promote :]

Absolutely!!!... what is the link:)

I can't wait to see your channel, hope you are working on it now!!

OK... short break then, and with your permission:

I had to watch twice. Finally I get to see just how big that scale looks in reality!!!

A glimpse of a master working with his craft!

& I was not familiar with this DTube, keep me updated when posting new ones too!!!