Are TV Viewers More Likely to Support War?

in #politics27 days ago (edited)

There has been plenty of media coverage over the years on one conflict or another, the U.S. has spent billions of dollars engaged in violence overseas.

There are still many conflicts that are ongoing today and it appears that where you get your information from might play a role in how you see the conflict altogether.

Watching mainstream media for example might mean you look a certain way at a war, supporting one side or the other.

Thankfully there is more than one area to go looking for information about political conflict today.

After so many years of engaging in military conflict you might think people are growing tired of the bankrupting foreign policy that doesn't seem to reap much reward. Various polls have shown that many people want to see troops come home and don't want to see more families destroyed at home and abroad because of possibly misguided policy coming from Washington.

Trillions of dollars later and what has truly been achieved? Yet the U.S> continues to shell out the funds and the support for certain conflicts as well. Perhaps many might be pro peace, but not enough want to see less engagement yet in conflict and that is why we don't see significant changes to it from politicians?



Bring the troops home. Disband the army and distribute all federal equipment and personnel to the respective state national guard. Abolish the Space Force. Propose a constitutional amendment formally acknowledging the Air Force. Mothball the nuclear missile subs. Dismantle the ICBMs. Stop funding foreign war and backing belligerence overseas. This is my offer to compromise my anarchist principles with the statist status quo.