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RE: Davos Man Has No Plan to Stop Political Extremism - The Onion?

in #politics4 months ago

The rich seem to have their own exclusive clubs, but they are just people in the end. I'd hope some of them give a shit about the rest of us. There are actually some millionaires who want to pay more tax! I know some here don't like taxes, but that system ain't going to change any time soon. I think the rich can afford to pay more and still live extremely well. They have been hoarding wealth.


In terms of taxes, the ones collected on everyone's income, property, and sales or "value-added" tax (now there's an Orwellian term) in our countries are plenty enough.

Just think of how much of people's money is gobbled up by taxes in commerce. Everything is skimmed off in large amounts for just about every transaction and the the people participating in the economy are left with little to show for it.

In my own opinion, more should be done to reduce the many tasks modern governments think they need to or should do, because in the end they tend to unnecessarily reduce the decisions and potential available to citizens. With less to spend, this would naturally happen.