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RE: Carlson’s Putin Interview: 7 Key Revelations

in #politics3 months ago

Please refrain from asking me to downvote others;

show me that request, please!

When you are informed that something doesn't work, you ask for a link, not downvote))
I understand that you have a personal dislike for me because of your sympathies for Ukronazis and unjustified Russophobia, but this is no reason to interfere your subjective point of view in my business relations with Helios, if you have anything to do with it!
Do you have? this question remained open.

I only clicked the button here to clarify that

I recommend you get to the bottom of it before you something click.
Maybe that's why people with wild imaginations aren't allowed to operate dangerous machinery))))

Approve Love It GIF by Kennysgifs


Do you see how @helios.voter down votes are working?

This is the ledger of vote requests & executions.

Simply I don't agree with your contents, so I requested flags like you do the same with other people.

Better you stop mentioning myself in your troubles. I do not support downvotes unless someone trying me to drag in it.

As I told you before, I am a main developer of the helios project, but I didn't agree with these burn-to-downvotes. If you can't understand what I said, it's your trouble. Better you stop mentioning me with your Rus vs Ua conflicts. If you keep mentioning me with your troubles, I will not hesitate to request flags on your contents.

If system has an issue join us at discord:

All your vote / flag requests were granted, so don't drag me into your problems again.

