POSH Contest - Following your fellow Hivers on #web2

in #poshlast year (edited)

With the Twitter API changes ahead of us and one of POSH's utilities being uncertain, we wanted to take the time to make sure another aspect of it doesn't remain hidden in plain sight.

While some may argue that following one another one #web2 is just another way of "growing the echochamber", it's difficult to know what exactly manipulates the chamber and may not allow it from expanding. Whether it's the algo, shadowbans or just bad use of Twitter to break free from it, one thing remains certain. Being able to follow and "amplify" other Hiver's when they're discussing Hive here and there brings value in many ways to our platform. We've seen this happen in many instances, whether someone is advertising Hive and its many advantages to web2 and others following said Hiver give the tweet or reply a like getting it to the top of replies or adding a response confirming that to be the case, it all helps and was one of POSH's longtime strive to get people to this stage.


This contest will be all about increasing this connection between Hivers on Twitter, so that even if their new API changes may set us back for a while, our voices will still be heard and carry weight together.

How to participate:

  1. Drop a comment in the post about what you usually do on Twitter, for instance what kind of posts you POSH.

  2. Others who already follow you or start following you based on this, give the comment a vote.


When you want to follow someone on Twitter, you can easily go to their profile page on Hive (works on hive.blog and @peakd) and you'll see the Twitter icon of those registered on hiveposh.com. By clicking it you get sent directly to their Twitter profile to make following the user easy.



We're gonna go a bit big on this one!

We're giving away 50x @splinterlands CHAOS LEGION packs!


10x @wrestorgonline LAND packs!


10x @muterra ECHO Tamers!


Similar to the other reward distributions we'll keep it transparent and will publicize how we choose and determine winners in a later post to avoid manipulation.

Thanks for participating and taking part in increasing our activity on #web2 to show the world what they're missing out on with Hive!

Please reblog this post to get as many involved as possible!

There are 3 pages

Awesome! Thanks for the opportunity @acidyo.

I use two accounts on Twitter:

  1. @finguru // https://twitter.com/finguru6
  2. @documentinghive // https://twitter.com/DocumentingHive

The first one is for personal use where I publish my own hive blogs and sometimes share other fun stuff about Web3, AI, and Creator Economy.

The second one is where the real magic happens. I want to build one of the most engaging Twitter accounts from the Hive community while documenting the latest developments on the network. I do this by sharing blogs, news, and articles and posting memes, threads, tweets, etc. Also, I love to connect with other Hivers on Twitter.

Numbers are decent but since it's a one-man army, I lag behind when I am busy with personal work. :( Twitter is a game on consistency so I actually feel bad when I don't post there for a long time. xD


Hopefully, we will fix that this year because I am thinking of collaborating with more Hive users who can also create content from the DH account.

It's hard to keep up with all the news myself. Maybe I will find a sustainable way to monetize my efforts so that I can put more time and effort into building this account. Have any ideas Acid or anyone, please let me know.

And as I mentioned already, I am happy to follow anyone who's doing great work promoting Hive & its ecosystem on Twitter and other platforms. LFG!

Lol. I had no idea @documentinghive was you @finguru. Already followed both of your accounts.

Hi @rubencress, I have started following you

Haha. Thanks for the follow brother.

Let's keep spreading the Hive word far and wide xD

Definitely following Documenting, just followed the finguru one :)

Followed brother :) Thanks

Didn't even know that I've been following you for long time.

Following you both on Hive and on twitter, sir

Hi @iskawrites I have started following you add me I am good, making friends is fun.

I will do just that. Thank you for the follow 🥰

I'm following you. I'm very excited to have connected with you now.

I am already following you on Twitter. I did not realize I wasn't following on Hive, but that has been corrected.

Oh I am already following you, I enjoy your tweets about #Hive🙂

Hi, Queen, I knew I am already following you on twitter, and I have hit the follow button on Hive as well

💜heyy Iska, lovely connecting with you on #hive aswell sweets.

Thank you so much, @queenstarr 🙇

Haha. That means a lot Queen. :') LFG

You just found a new twitter follower 🥳

Heyy Solymi, I can't believe I wasn't following you all this while on twitter🙈
I have attended your stream twice & surely know you in the world of Splinterlands.
Thank you for the follow, ff back🌷💗

There is so many people on twitter, thanks for watching the stream!

Hi @solymi I have started following you add me I am good, making friends is fun.🤗

@solymi, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) but the daily limit has been reached or the mana is too low. Try again later.

As a consolation, @queenstarr gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

Already following both and great content always enjoy integrating with your content

I followed you @bitcoinflood just now.

I'm now following you on Twitter. We are now friends.

The feeling is mutual brother. 🍻

I've now connected with you on Twitter. Excitement grows.

Hi @jude9 I have started following you add me I am good, making friends is fun.

You have a new follower, sir. And that would be me

a long-time follower of both accounts here!

Thank you so much. Followed on both.

hi @cmmndrbawang, I followed you on Hive but could not find your twitter link, can you drop it for me? Thank you


Here is my twitter link thanks for the support! I'll make sure to follow back.

I am on it. Thank you.

Oh, it's You...haha I think it's first time You mentioned yourself!

Guru jee, already following you!

Thank you so much bhai. Not the first time but I don't do it much.

@idksamad78699, my weekend comments friend, already following you

Have followed documenting Hive already just before this great initiative. This account is so amazing and indeed informative!

Thanks a lot @pinkchic. It means a lot to me. :))

I am already a follower of @pinkchic 🤗

Awww, I am following you too, my dear friend iska. Glad to have dreemport which connected us. Love you always my sweet and insightful friend. See you around and best regards.

Smile...Thank you. I am glad to have met you too. I hope I'll be using dreemport again soon, a lot has happened with 2023 ..sad face.
see you around too

Awww, I did not know about it. Just like you, I am having those emotions in life. I even got breakdowns and was at my lowest, but little by little I am hoping that things will back to normal after the tragedy. I hope you are wearing your best smile today. Whatever you may be facing now, I believe you could get through it. After all, life is still beautiful despite the sad faces and all. We can not appreciate the value of happy faces without sad ones. Stay safe my friend and I hope you are well.

I am sorry about your challenges too. Yes, I am definitely wearing my best smile, it is important to do that often to brighten our day no matter what it is we are facing. Thank you for your faith, I know you will get through yours too. Stay strong. Stay safe too, sending hugs and kisses

Following both your accounts, and thanks for the great work you do on twitter and here!

I'll follow both accounts next time I log in 🙌

I am already following you @wrestlingdesires

Great :) Am I following you?


I guess you have to find out soon by checking :)


Followed :) ...

Thank you ❣️

I am one of your many followers on Twitter. Keep up the great work brother👍

@mdasein, the twitter account on your profile doesn't exist 😔

Thanks very much for pointing that out. I just updated it. https://twitter.com/_mdasein
Thanks again!

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

No worries. I will hit the follow button now

I've been a follower of both accounts 😊
You're doing great there, keep it up!

Hi, dear, thank you for the mention, I found this post because of you.

You're welcome babe 🙂

Oh so finguru is documenting hive, I follow both accounts

I am hoping I am following my @b0s...let me go and confirm

you better be if not we'll fight, lolz

Hahaha... I am ooo.. I don't want to fight my b0s , 🤣

Good ;)

I had no idea you were the owner of that account. Now that dp makes a lot of sense. I just realized I followed both accounts too.

Excellent, I follow you on both accounts @documentinghive

I just realized I was already following you hahaha. @documentinghive

Haha. Thanks a lot. Followed back. 🫡

You do such amazing work.
I think I have followed the two accounts

Thanks a lot mate. Appreciate it. ❤️‍🔥

Love your work on TWITTER @documentinghive

Thank you so much buddy. I already follow you there.


My posting on twitter 90% of the time pushes back to hive blog posts which are primarily about finances ranging from crypto but also the fiat systems and other types of investing, news etc. It caters mainly towards the crypto twitter world which I feel is a solid matchup for what hive currently offers.

On top of that I also post about hive related games from time to time as I find that being an easier adoption method for a blockchain over blogging for crypto.

Outside of that would be connections with other hiveians and those outside of it to continue to grow the push of the articles but also show support to others who are active and promoting hive things on twitter as well.

The other 10% are normally comments on larger end followings in an effort to gain profile views on twitter that should lead into hive itself which has proven effective and an area I'd like to spend more time in here in the coming months.

Nice to meet you! I wasn't following you here nor on Twitter, but I just followed you on both.

Have a nice day! :)

I am following you now, @kenny-crane

Followed! Sharing crypto stories is a solid approach :)

@jfuji.. I will follow you, I would like to be on your friends list.

Hey Pizza Fam, I followed you. Always great to connect🙂

I'm now following you on Twitter and I'm very excited I did it very easy.

Awesome, I followed you back on twitter.
Lovely connecting with you☺️🌷

Thanks so much 🤗

Just started following. Should've done this a while ago

I am currently your latest follower, @theacks

Cool! Wasn't aware I wasn't following you on there, changed that!

I've been following you for long time. Happy 😊 that we are friends. This easy way of getting to know all Hivians on Twitter is helping me a lot. My pleasure 😂

I already followed you and it is nice meeting you around my friend. Have a great day!

We are now friends. Happy 😁 to have connected with you now!

Awww thank you so much my dear friend jude. I got a notification in twitter now and I followed back. Thanks for being one of my awesome friends in Hive. See you around.

Thank you too!

Just followed you

Interesting topics you cover, a pleasure to meet you. I already follow you @bitcoinflood

I got the habit to automatically put them links on twiter for my hive post, sometimes with tags, sometimes with no tags. It is a hit and miss. I still did not understand how the POSH works, is it related to the upvotes on Twitter or the people who click the link to come to Hive?

Hi! You need to visit https://hiveposh.com/ and follow the instructions, connecting your twitter!

thanks Katerina

thanks Katerina

Hi @mightyrocklee, were you able to get your account linked to posh?

yes i did, but i got my other one @heruvim1978 on twiter, this is on reddit.

i only have splinterlands related activities on this account.

Okay then. I will look this one up and follow

I will follow you, I would like to be on your friends list. @mightyrocklee

I've been grinding out on Twitter for quite some time and I would say is 95% Hive related. I've found on Twitter a great deal of Hive frens who are constantly hustling. It's been a slow but sure race and you notice that when people stranger to the project either fud or ask about it. It's happened to me a couple of times and is recently happening with the HBD guy. I've tried posting images or videos on my tweets and they seem to go better that way. I mostly share personal content but occasionally share from other users or projects. I do retweet a lot and like Hive related stuff mercilessly. It's important for positioning so I don't get why most hivers are shy about it. I mean at least hitting the damn like ❤️. Cheers.

I mean at least hitting the damn like ❤️

The original social media dopamine system! It's still a thing for sure. Followed :)

Thanks for the follow fren. Followed you back.

Heyy Jonsow, we already follow each other on twitter, lovely to connect with you 🙂

Niceee. Now following you on Hive. Great seeing you.

Likewise my friend🤗

The classic JonSnow! Already following but for sure I need to up my game on some of your tweets over there. Keep up the good work

Not sure, but I recently started following you on Twitter (I believe), right? :D

Champ! 🔥🫡

I'm very happy that I now follow you on Twitter.

Following you already. I see a couple of your retweets

Hi @jonsnow1983, I am already following you :)

Fortunately, we are already following each other, my friend @jonsnow1983. Let's keep working to keep growing ✨

We have been on Hive since 2017. We always tried to be a part of projects that could help hive grow. We had our ups and downs but we never give up. If we only had more TIME.

We are here so we can be a part of a real community, so we can grow personaly and grow together.

We always believed and still believe in a decentralized world.

Also, where else can you find a place where you start a project and right away are backed up by so many.

Knowlage, fun, life, tech.... so much to find here. We made so many friends tnx to Hive. It is the future for the next generation.

Already following that sweet, tangy soup ;)

Following you as wll mr @jfuji 😍

I've been following you ever since you stopped by #theterminal , always lovely to connect🙂

Thats really awesom 🥰 we stopped for some time, but we arr coming back. Really sorry we could not continue with lots of CBRS conten 🤗

I'm now following you! Looking over your content looks engaging and fun look forward to engaging with it.

Happy you like our content. We have so much to show, but time is very limited at tje moment. But we are coming back step by step 🤩 Now we can also see all you do through Leo 😍 So So So So mutch 🤩

I'm now following you on Twitter. Now this is very easy way to follow many Hivians on Twitter.

Definitely #frens!

Let's meet up soon 🤩

I just love what you guys do. :')



Thank you 😍 If you ever want to collab on a post, we are always ready. Let's do it 😉

Sure, why not. I will get in touch with you guys if I have any ideas. Feel free to do the same. :)

Already following, it's been a while since saw you in action...I hope you're coming back on twitter and discord like before.

Followed back 🤩 back them we could do this full time. Not same anymore, but we will post aome fun stuff for sure 😉

I just connected with you on Twitter.

I'm following you. Very excited 😊 that we are now friends.

Been Following you for a while now

That is fantastic 🙂 Now we are following you...every time you walk outside, we are watching you 😁😁



gosh, you have a way with gifs 😂

How did I miss following our sweet soup? Corrected that immediately

😁 Don't worry about it 😍 At the moment it's quiet from our side 😋

Alright then. Looking forward to when the cooking begins again 🙃

Hive is the best thing that could have happened to us. And we must all unite to continue to make it grow @coldbeetrootsoup

It is an opportunity for many, but Hive has to grow beyond the Wall. And Hivians have to brainstorm together how to do that.

That's right friend @coldbeetrootsoup, we are the ones who will continue building until we reach the top. Beautiful day to you...

Same to you 🥰

And I have done my part to unite with you by hitting the follow button on your profile 😍

I share my leofinance posts and also about the splinterlands. I try to promote my posts on Twitter as part of POSH and I also interact with other hivers. The use of my Twitter account is mainly for hive related stuffs as I also post about hive sometimes.

Dropped ya a follow always happy to support other lions on hive!

Thanks and I have been following you already. True that its always great to support other lions on the hive!

I'm following you on Twitter. Very happy 😁 that we are connected now.

Likewise mate

Looking forward to read more of your financial and gaming tweets, I have hit that follow button

Excellent work, I'm already following you. Regards @alokkumar121

I will follow you, I would like to be on your friends list. @alokkumar121, @acidyo

For me there are two main themes related with HIVE that I retweet, like and promote a lot. One of those is Splinterlands and in consequence, many HIVE based games, like Rising Star, KOD, you name it! The second one is the Spanish community in HIVE. I support any post in Spanish or from a Spanish-speaker community member. It's a strong and very active part of HIVE. I also like some technology topics, like Free Software (Open Source), AI and blockchain.

I already follow you but just wanted to say keep up the great work (:

I am happy you are no longer living in denial and that you have embraced crypto. I have hit the follow button on your profile

thanks! I have followed you as well (:

Thank you too :)

Thank you so much!!! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 3


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

No doubt you do an excellent job dear friend and it's good that we have been following each other for a long time. Let's move forward to continue making hive grow @cpol ✨💕

¡Muchas gracias por esos buenos deseos, Dayana! ¡Lo mismo para ti! ¡Hay que seguir creciendo! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Hi @cpol, I am meeting our new player in Splinterlands by hitting the follow button. Hoping to see more of your gaming experience

Thank you so much, @iskawrites! Nice to meet you!!! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

It's a pleasure to meet you too :)

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 3


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Growing our Spanish-speaking community is of huge importance! Followed :)

Thank you! Following, too! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 3


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Heyy cpol, we follow each other already on twitter. It's been lovely following your tweets about hive esp🙂

Hey @Queenstarr! NIce to hear about that! I'm following you now in here too! Glad you like them! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

I follow youf🤗

Thank you! Me too! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 2


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Thank you Borbolet, I'm following you aswell🌷

Ayy, @Borbolet. Creo que te equivocaste, yo creo que ya me seguías, porque en vez de seguirme, me dejaste de seguir.

Heyyy ya te sigo jajaja es que posh mando un mensaje y empece a seguir a todos y si ya te seguía deje de hacerlo.
Ya corrijo. No dejes mi amistad me porto bien jajaj🤗

¡No te preocupes! ¡Yo sabía que era un error! 😃 !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 2


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

I follow you👏

Followed because honestly I love Splinterlands and we saw what a single large dapp can do for the price of hive and the entire ecosystem!

Thank you, @bitcoinflood! I am already following you! Splinterlands is amazing for HIVE! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

I see you I follow you and I appreciate your likes and retweets

Thank you so much, man! I'm already following you! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

I love your twitter DP, such a lovely boy with a touch of technology. Hitting the follow button as I type this :)

Thanks….when I saw Iskawrites I was a bit surprised like I know Iskafan who is iskawrites. But Ofcourse there’s only one Iska around here 😄

hahhahaha....I knew you will be surprised. Yes, there is only one of me for now....lol 😂

My dear and good friend @cpol I've been following you for a long time, as always your likes and retweet are well appreciated, we keep building my friend.

And I have followed you too. so lets continue to build

untitled.gif build yeah!!

Love the giphy

¡Muchas gracias, don Carlos! Y como diría el Pirulino: ¡Aquí pa' las que sean! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

Gracias mi amigo

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Hey mate, we follow each other... Thanks for boosting tweets. 🙌

You're welcome! Don't forget to follow me on HIVE, too! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Followed you already my dear friend and it feels so good to read your tweets every time. Have a wonderful day.

Thank you so much for your kind words! You, too! !PIZZA !PGM !CTP

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 4


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

🔥Sweet, thank you Acidyo for the endless creative initiatives.

I use https://twitter.com/queenstarr14 for all my Hive related activities [80%}. Sometimes I throw in abit of unrelated tweets about Life or something else [20%].
I'm currently a sucker for Play-to-earn games and always #POSH my blogs to twitter. Though I have been Poshing other Fiction writing, Personal stories and other Hivean blogs aswell, I find it of good reach.

Other Hivean post that I love to POSH are either Gaming, Travel, Food or fundamental knowledge about the Hive ecosystem which i have started to enjoy alot.
I see many whom I already follow and would be following those I don't under this post💪 More Post #Posh awaits me🔥

Of course, I know Queenstar from Valheim, so I thought I also already followed her on Twitter. But it was only until someone started calling her a scammer that made me aware that I wasn't following her. Kinda pissed me off.

Awww haha! What a week that was.
In the End we found ourselves on Twitter, you rock🔥


Excellent work, I've been following you for a while now. Greetings @queenstarr

Heyy Dayadam, likewise I have been following you on twitter. I thought I was already following on hive, cause I have visited your post a couple. You make beautiful hand crafts. Much love your way💜🤗

Thank you beautiful, a pleasure that you have already seen my work and you like it. I see that you like splinterland, I don't know anything about it but maybe someday I'll get excited about it. Although here everyone has their different niches, the important thing is to support each other. I already followed you on hive too. Have a nice day @queenstarr 💕

You already know I follow you 😉

Soldier come, soldier go, barrack remains😉

Starting to follow you

Followed on here and Twitter, lovely to connect with you.

Thank you honey, doing the same with you

I can finally Flex that I'm Following Queeen it's been ages 👑🥺 hehe.

Hehe! Mee too...I can flex I follow the Meme Lord IDK🔥💜

I've not followed you yet but am going to now as it seems we both like the same content hehe. Hope to learn more about play to earn games from you.

Awesome! Hope to learn from you aswell my friend Rubiloodoo😆

Hello, our proud Northerner and gamer, here is my humble follow notification...lol

Hi folks, Kenny here. I've been on Hive from day 1 and on the previous chain since month 3. Been promoting YouTubers I like since 2006, on my blogspot blog and here and Twitter.

I run hot and cold on tweeting out Hive posts. Sometimes I click the "Share link" on PeakD and share a post, but most of the time I'll Like and Retweet someone else's Twitter share. And sometimes days go by without any twitter activity from me.

I shoot out a tweet if I see a Hive pump or HBD pump, which seems to happen regularly. I tweet about HEX, my other favorite "H Token" and the upcoming PulseChain full state fork of Ethereum by the HEX founder. I might also tweet other crypto things that interest me, and I still tweet about YouTube on occasion.

You can follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/KennyCrane if you want. I'm not an automatic follow-for-follow follow backer, but I do look at the twitter profile of anyone who follows me to see if I want to follow them.

Have a nice day everyone! :)

I am already your follower @kenny-crane and happy to share that you are one of the most fantastic people I have met on the chain. Your tweets are informative and you are so fast reporting crypto pumps. Glad to be your follower on Twitter and Hive.

Hive is the best thing that could have happened to us. And we all must unite to keep making it grow. I'm already following you. Regards @kenny-crane

Greetings @kenny-crane
I have been following you since the beginning of my journey here and there is a lot that I learned from you. I find your tweets much more informative and you share useful crypto insights. Have a nice day.

Hi @reeta0119, I am eager to learn about crypto and blockchain as much as you are, so I have hit that follow button on stay on top of your learning and exposure

Hi @iskawrites I just try to learn and write and there is a lot to learn. I hope my content will help you learn and thanks for your kind words dear.

I have a good feeling, it will, so you will find me there often. :)

Happy to connect with you on Twitter!

I will do the same . thanks

I love HIVE sooooo much! I restarted my Twitter because of Posh and PIZZA! It's a really great way to connect with other Hivian's and the PIZZA fam.

lately I have been focused on tweeting the things I am working on and or interested in as well as trying to spread positive vibes!

Keep up the great work Acidyo!

This is pretty awesome.

I used Twitter a loonnggg time ago to automate Facebook posts on my photography business page. Which I then manually deleted after restarting the Twitter journey to get more traffic to Hive. So, yeah, I mostly use Twitter to push Hive. I've tried to swing the NFTs on there as well, but that's a whole other next level bot attraction to be fair. I like to give some more engagement to other Hivers by sharing their blogs, and engage with self-proclaimed influencers who basically forgot to #DYOR most of the time that periodically drain my well-being and energy (it's stupid and a bit hard for me not to get sucked in a discussion, but IMO; it's sometimes dumber to let other people believe and normalize what they have to say).

I also use Twitter to check out the Twitter Space from 3Speak: #CTT, they are full of information and pretty a enjoyable and valuable Space IMO.

We also have a "private" Hive on Twitter groupchat initiated by @jeffjagoe where Hivers share Tweet we think could need more traction to pump and send a bit of more engagement to it.

I use my own and full name there, just like on Hive.
RubenCress @ Twitter

We all must unite to keep making it grow. I'm already following you. Regards @rubencress

I will follow you, I would like to be on your friends list. @rubencress

Interesting contest

I opened my Twitter account few months Back but for a while it was dormant until I was able to successfully link my Hive account and Twitter account together and since then it’s been magical.

I am so quick to share posts that resonates something in me, like the world just has to see what this author is saying.

I share mostly true life stories, art, and Hive innovations.

My captions on my tweets would be likened to a marketer in an advertising company, the goal is to make #web2 users click on that link and join Hive eventually.

Too bad I have few followers but whenever I see the engagements on my tweet I am always happy 😃

Your Twitter captions are always captivating. 😍🥰

@funshee, darling, I am already following you :)

Thanks for following me sis🥰❤

We have been following each other on Twitter for a while now, I just need to engage more over there.

I know right? I hope we find the right motivation to do so soon. Thank you too 😍

Hi @ibbtammy, I have seen you around different blog posts as you go round supporting others with your comments and amazing presence. You are amazing so I am hitting that follow button already :)

Awwwwwwwww this melted my heart, thank you so much @iskawrites for this😄

Sweetheart, you are welcome 😍

I'm over at https://twitter.com/j_fuji

It's mostly Hive related stuff—promoting the serial fiction I post to Hive, or giving some RT love to other projects here. Occasionally some non-Hive web3 projects crop up. I used to be quite active on Twitter "back in the day," but I find web2 social to be much less rewarding than what we have going on here haha. Always happy to interconnect with Hiveans though!

Pleasure to follow you Jfuji, I do enjoy your talks at dCrops, Hive.pizza & Terracore servers. Always fresh knowledge🙂

Oh, hello threador.. I just gave you a follow on Twitter!

Thanks for the follow my dear friend. I remember we first interacted in Scholar and Scribe community and I am happy that I met you. I have already followed you and see you around.

Already following :) ...


I was in the Post Office queue yesterday when Diana Ross tried to push in.
I said “You can't hurry love, you'll just have to wait...”

Credit: reddit
@jfuji, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

@jfuji! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Ready following you on twitter greetings @jfuji

I am using twitter to support other hive users who share their posts. Of course I share my own two. I love to answer to certain posts about web3 asking for some sort of solution and if the answer is Hive I tell them. The past two weeks I have been quite inactive on twitter but this changes now. I gotta scroll through all these comments now. I will follow everyone I have not been following yet. Awesome idea and I really like that there is so many people getting involved.
Thanks for all the work you put in.
Big hugs Daniel
I already follow @rubencress and @finguru (both accounts)and i started to follow @pinkchic as of today.
I follow @ravenmus1c and @hiq.magazine and of course also @cryptocompany where I am also responsible for the team handling our twitter account.

Followed on twitter @solymi

And I followed back 😇

I joined Twitter because of Hive and hence my use of Twitter account is only for hive related tweets and interactions.

Ready following you on twitter. Great job @reeta0119

Happy to follow you back on twitter @dayadam

Awesome giveaway!
Actually almost the only thing I use Twitter for anymore, is to promote my or other´s Hive posts. :D
I am connected with alot of Hive users on Twitter and try spreading the word about hive as good as I can. Some of these users are @lhes @tengolotodo @hannes-stoffel @slothbuzz @forkyishere @prinzvalium @nane-qts @blitzzzz @solymi @hiq ...
I could continue this list forever. :D

Thanks for the follow! We hope you enjoy the buzz!

I know I will

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Greetings @ravenmus1c

Thank you so much!! =)

Thanks for the shout out! We try keep tabs on Twitter when we can, so much buzz so little time! It's a sloth life!

Our Twitter is https://twitter.com/slothbuzzer. We try and follow anyone on Hive! Drop us a follow and we'll be sure to support you as and when we can!

Thank you for tagging me. 😊
That’s exactly how I use Twitter too, to share Hive posts, mine and others.

This is a great initiative for us to connect with more of our fellow hivians.


Yes! It would be great if there was a list somewhere with all Hive people who are on Twitter. !PIZZA

Thanks for tagging! I will check it out! 😁

Thanks for the tag Raven, oddly enough I am going through my twitter followers and unfollowing people that don't interact or don't follow me, quite an interesting list!

I would not be on twitter if it were not for Hive promotion Zekepickleman of course.

I like to post promotional links to my posts and those of others with 2 target markets in mind. 1 is for other hivers as networking direct connections to likeminded people is powerful no matter what you are trying to accomplish. The second is for people who may or may not have heard of Hive, but might be compelled to click (more traffic!) or even want to get involved because it is the right time for them.

I try and only use select hashtags as too many just water down the message and is the closest thing to spam on the spammiest platform on the planet. I love the #hive one as it should be trending, and will by the time we are done. I obviously use #posh for the awesome rewards and it is the flag that many active, engaging constructive people are using together. I like to pick a tag that is predominantly Twitter-based (eg:#thoughtfulthursday for thoughtful hive posts etc) and then a funny one for effect like #diva or something.

I have also built twitter into my curation time as I can click like on every Hivers post I see with no delay (no blockchain transaction to process!) quickly to show some support, head to the linked posts, and engage there where it counts.

MMA used to be seen as barbaric and extremely narrowly niched while Professional Wrestling and boxing were the global franchises. It took decades but now MMA is much more popular and accessible than boxing, and UFC owns WWE. This is where we are slowly heading.

Big ups to all the leaders taking the time to blaze the trail and create easy ways for all of us to become leaders here.

Ready following you on twitter. Great job you do. I feel this has brought us all closer together. Regards @zekepickleman

Community is where it is at and we are all doing our part. Just fun joining forces and building our network!

Content + Networking + Time = Hive Success I tirelessly preach!

Great. That's right my friend @zekepickleman. Beautiful day for you... 💕

YOu are doing amazing things for the community and Hive as ya whole, we are lucky to have you at the forefront of promotion. And I am happy that your project has started gaining momentum and is heading somewhere great. I have hit the follow button on your profile to stay on your updates.

So kind of you.

We are all just doing our part and working together just builds the community for those yet to arrive.

Let's keep building till then. Cheers

I will follow you, I would like to be on your friends list. @zekepickleman

I usually have a thread of what I have posted here in Hive on my Twitter account. It is random content from different communities where I posted. I love using Twitter too, for I was able to discover people who are here in Hive and I usually clicked follow whenever I checked on their account the moment I know they are also creating content and posts in Hive. By the way, this is a great initiative and I love it, my friend.

this is a great initiative

Agreed! And followed :)

Thanks much my dear friend, jfuji for the follow in my Twitter and I tapped follow back as well. Have a great day. I hope you are well.

Followed you! I feel like it's important to make sure everyone on web2 knows there's a community/topic for them and a home here on hive. Enjoy all the random community posts you do!

Many thanks for your wonderful remarks my dear friend. Just saw the notifications now. Thanks much for the follow, and followed back too. It is great to meet you today. Blessings to you my friend.

Hey PinkChic, I just started following you on twitter. I thought we already followed each other as I have known you on Hive in HivePH and Theterminal. Lovely connecting with you🌷

Awww many thanks my sweet friend, star. Yes, I remember you in the terminal and you were one of the amazing people who welcomed me. Glad to see you around and I followed back in Twitter as well. See you around dear and have a great day. Keep safe always.

Hive is the best thing that could have happened to us. And we all must unite to keep making it grow. I'm already following you. Regards @pinkchic

Awww many thanks my dear friend. Know that I genuinely appreciate your attention and time. I followed you back. Thank you so much to Hive and Twitter for connecting us here even from thousands of miles apart. Best regards and have a great day my dear.

This is nice. although my activity on posh twitter has not been that massive I can still boast of suing posh twitter. I usually promote posts which are football related on my posh twitter Am a huge fan of football and as such I love it when my take on sports is taken into consideration, although I still have to grow my following so I can earn posh on those posts.

Apart from sports one other area I will love to promote on my posh twitter is gaming, am not too much into games yet but the moment I get into playing games more regularly I think I will make good use of it.

There are definitely many choices for games here on Hive. Followed!

Followed on twitter. Greetings @rubilu

On Twitter I only post Hive posts, I often like to make my content known there and maybe entice someone to even just read them on Hive, maybe they sign up later.

The contents are varied but mainly I deal with crypto issues or in reference to Splinterlands.

I honestly dislike social media and Twitter is no different from others. For this reason I don't post anything else, even though I follow many Hive users there.

Haha I sort of feel the same way re: traditional social media. You've a solid Twitter following though, and now you have one more!

Followed ya always enjoy splinterlands content. Seems lots always going on there and I love it

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Nice day @claudio83

As much as you belive blockchain is the future, I believe it too. At this point, we do not like Web 2 and its centralized positioning but let's build web 3 with what we have at hand, and then we can say good bye to them when its time. I have hit the follow button :)

Hello guys! Awesome contest right now!

I'm always doing a lot of RT to every post that I see on Twitter, I use twitter mostly to talk about Hive, share my hype for my other hobbies (soccer and videogames) and to share a lot of thoughs about my life or the life of people that I follow and care.

Since I became a Hive Witness I've been trying to use less twitter as a social network but more of a branding machine for Hive and all my passions (that I'm always sharing as posts (POSH) in my Hive blog).

Thank you so much for doing this! Let's keep growing up!

Heyy my friend, o yes! I follow you on Twitter, lovely connecting with you🌷

Fortunately, we are already following each other, my friend. Let's keep working to keep growing @dimeilaz 💕

Using twitter for branding is a good call for Hive and of course your passion. I am hitting the follow button of support :)

On Twitter I usually check updates from company and to be honest, I not often post the POSH contents. Not yet at least 😅
When POSH on Twitter, I usually posh introductive contents to Hive, so my followers (or other look-arounders) may get some basic infos on how much can be done through Hive.
Looking forward to do better on Twitter!

I would like to follow your information on twitter. We will be connected.@mikezillo

Thanks @borbolet for your support! I usually tweet about cryptos, alternative knowledge and so on :D
Plus something about my yoga path (maybe :D )

Friend long time knowing each other in hive and did not follow you on twitter, now it's ready. Greetings @mikezillo ❤️

Glad to have your support. Thanks 🙏

Haha I like your Twitter bio:

If you think Cryptocurrencies are not worth it, ask whom considered traditional mail not replaceable from e-mail


Appreciate it! Thanks for dropping by :D

I am looking forward to you doing better on twitter but I love your bio on twitter, everyone needs to embrace cryptocurrency so they don't get left behind. I have hit the follow button

I post on twitter matters of finance, crypto and items related to
government sponsored scams against illegal homelessness.

I link back to Hive, most often via Actifit Move2earn hive app.

I got twitter followers as a result, such as the prominent @taskmaster4450

You can sign the homelessness petition here https://Www.ScamBuster.TV

You support good causes but your profile doesn't have your twitter account linked. Maybe you should copy it and drop it here directly

Yes, like that. And I am now one of your followers. Thank you

Thanks 😊

Interesting, I'm a student of Taskmaster wrt Hive Economy etc
I'd like to follow you, please kindly link Hive to posh for easy following 🙂

Link hive to POSH ?
How to do that ?

Simply go to > https://hiveposh.com/
and connect/Login with Twitter.


Thanks. And thanks for the follow. Tried. Hive approval says failed transaction.
Maybe I'm already connected 😕

Message says "Transaction was not successfully broadcast"

Could I be already connected?

Can you try again?

I'm mostly sharing Hive content, my posts and those I find interesting, contests (including this one), and quite a lot of posts on tokenomics. My Twitter profile https://twitter.com/ilbiscom

Hello, my dear friend. I followed you already, even before this great initiative from posh. See you around and it’s always nice meeting you.

Thank you, that's very nice of you. 😊

hi @seckorama, its a pleasure to meet you and connect with you on your profile and twitter

Thank you! :)

It's a pleasure

🙂Heyy Seckroma, lovely to connect with you on twitter now. It's been lmac every week before now.

I've been following you on twitter for a while now. I hope you do it again. Greetings @seckorama

I post on twitter posts related to stem topic when i saw them interesting . But also I like to promote my posts to see if they can be seen outside of hive community , even if the person doesn’t join hive is nice to have it as a source of knowledge to other people.

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Nice day @gwajnberg

muchas gracias =)

Great initiative.
Twitter is there so we should make more use of it collectively.
My profile https://twitter.com/TengoLoTodo

I have been on twitter for years and have a love/hate relationship with it.

Aside from cryptotwitter I use it to get the scoop on my football team Rangers.

I interact with some Hivians already, but also looking to help more Hivians get traction and interaction.

Now going to see who in the comments I interact with to give them a vote as per the poat!

Tengoooo ecencyyy...I just started following you on hive and twitter. Can't believe we were not already following each other especially after Samsmith's challenge😆 lovely re-connecting with you.

I liked that love/hate part haha.... We do follow each other there!

You know you are always one of the amazing people I am following since then Tito Ed. It's nice meeting you in my blogging journey. Thanks for the friendship. I followed you already even before

Salamat CJ, well you know I love it when we chat, so oo I follow you here there and everywhere

@pinkchic! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @tengolotodo. (8/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Nice day @tengolotodo

And me too :)
Have a great week!

Of course, I am already following my partner : )

Thank you Iska 💙

Anytime, partner

Thank you 💙

Hello! Well I usually use my Twitter account for many different topics: art, architecture, cute things but also politics, because I have the account many years (13!). Although since I have discovered that HIVE world also on Twitter and I have been changing my habits by following more Hivers and liking and retweeting their contents and also I post mine! All my posts are on Twitter, and I have a HIVE world list where I am including all my HIVE friends there. So thanks to Hive all it's changing to me on Twitter too! Welcome to Twitter big HIVE family!🤗

I have a HIVE world list where I am including all my HIVE friends there

Yaaas this is exactly what we need. Followed!

Yeah thanks! Followed back and you're now on my list too! 🤗

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Nice day @duvinca

Ok ¡te acabo de añadir también! And to my list too 😉
Thanks a lot, let's be bigger on Twitter💪
Happy day! @dayadam 🤗 !LUV

Great. Nice day @duvinca ❤️

I am happy to be a part of this big family of Hive. and I hope by hitting the follow button I will be accepted into your circle of Hive friends :)

Sure! Already followed too on Twitter and on my list! 😉👍

Hurray!!! Thanks for adding me to the list, I received the notification

You're welcome my friend 🤗 actually thanks to you for the message and the first follow!🙏

My pleasure :)

A great initiative! I already follow a lot of Hive users on Twitter, but there are still a lot of people I don't follow. I followed a few from the comments. @bitcoinflood was one of them. I'm sure I've already seen and liked your tweets.

Here is my twitter: https://twitter.com/IncublusHive

I share almost all types of Hive content. Games, travel blogs, general thoughts etc.

yay! I follow you everywhere because you're awesommeee kardesim🌷😊

Thank you so much kardesim 🙏
I follow you everywhere too

I follow you there bro!

Quality tweets 🙌👀

Thanks man, I follow you too!

Hello, my dear friend. I followed you already just before this great initiative. It is always nice seeing you around. Blessings to you.

Thank you so much, I guess I follow you too because you are spreading Hive to web2

Yes, thank you my friend. I am also seeing your tweets there. Thanks for your attention and. Know that I truly appreciate it.

Ready following you on twitter. Great job you do. I feel this has brought us all closer together. Regards @incublus ❤️

I follow you back. Thanks for your nice words 🙏

Great. Nice day @incublus 💕

I was here a few days ago, and now I almost did not recognize you because you had your DP changed if I am not mistaken. So, here I am introducing myself as one of your recent followers on twitter and on Hive. Looking forward to reading your tweets and contents

Thanks for giving this opportunity to meet other fellow hivers and share my profile.

Here's mine: https://twitter.com/IdkSamad?t=aSoIyxPBy6pCtjvyjw5Ejw&s=09

I mostly share my Hive Posts and hives Memes also often retweet hive announcements and random memes... also posh other Hivers when there's photography, crypto related stuff.

Can see some of Hivers I follow on Twitter here already! Looking forward to meet more.

We already follow each other cool. Cheers @idksamad78699 💕

Yeeey, !CHEERS

I am already following you, darling @idksamad78699

Same same.. haha!



comment in the post about what you usually do on Twitter, for instance what kind of posts you POSH.

Mostly I post about what I do at work like my cafe latte art and actifit activity report. Also read and like my close friends in hive on twitter other than that mostly latte art pictures hehe.


I do not have many followers but I'm glad most of them are genuine and also other hivers. I guess that's all for now.

Thank you acidyo for this contest it will definitely give hive the exposure it needs.

I would like to invite my friends to read about this contest as well
@tydynrain @amiegeoffrey @happyyy101 @troyola @stdd @littlebee4

Apologies in advance if you guys are already here was reading the comments way too many here to keep track haha.
Good luck 🤞

Thank you much for the tag brother, I appreciate it! I'll toss myself into the fun! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

The prizes are amazing but u might need to have splinterlands account first

Yep, they are pretty cool! I have one! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Perfect brother

Hugs GIF!!!
😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

We already follow each other great @caelum1infernum

followed you on hive is done 🙂

Dear @dayadam, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @caelum1infernum.


Do you have Twitter account?

Of course my friend I already followed you, you follow me too. Regards

Perfect take care and keep safe always

And I would love to read about your latte art pictures, so you just earned yourself a follower

You're one of the veterans in hive what an honour to have you as a follower 🙂
This is my latest video and also I made a tutorial hope you enjoy it latteart

@iskawrites! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @caelum1infernum. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I usually use Twitter just to catch up on web3 news, or breaking news and live coverage by the minute. I think Twitter is unmatched when it comes to this crowdsourced news updates just because of how widespread it is.

When it comes to posting though, I use Twitter exclusively just to push my HIVE posts out to hopefully a bigger audience out there. That's mostly thanks to POSH though. 🤣 As for how successful that Twitter outreach is, I have no idea. If I gain even 1 new reader, I'll consider it a win.

Woooot! Pizza Fam🍕
Just followed ya on twitter🌷

I've already followed you and @jfuji 😜. I think I have a few more PIZZA people followed too. @ravenmus1c @hurtlocker @gwajnberg, perhaps more. Although whether they know of my existence is another matter entirely. 😅

I also follow a small group of Singapore HIVE-ers on Twitter too. @vaynard86 @relf87 @genming @koodies @namelessnameless @pandachef

I also follow a small group of Singapore HIVE-ers on Twitter too.

@vaynard86 @relf87 @genming @koodies @namelessnameless @pandachef

Thank you for giving me a list of more fun folks to follow. I am checking them right away

by the way, @blitzzzz, @genming, @koodies, @namelessnameless and @pandachef do not have twitter linked to their profile.

although I have followed them on their Hive accounts, can you help with their Twitter link? Thank you

Thanks for the follow!

And thank you too

*whether they know of my existence is another matter entirely. *

😂Joker! Who doesn't know the one and only Blitzzzzzzzz of Pizza🔥 i follow Raven and Hurt. I'll check out Gwanjberg🍕 don't think I follow on here or twitter.

I've been following you on twitter for a while now. I hope you do it again. Greetings @blitzzzz

I would like to follow your information on twitter. We will be connected.@blitzzzz

Hahha...don't worry, you are winning already because I am one of your newest readers

Let the competition begin.

https://twitter.com/onyejekwesteve?t=k5WXZ2C-ufEl2msvNQL-8g&s=09 my personal account.
I usually blog about my photography post and then sometimes Hive stuff 😊

Heyoo! You look familair, have we met somewhere before now?😉Lovely connecting with you my friend🌷

Lovely to meet you too dear one 😁

Hi there Stevenson. One thing I know is we have been connecting in Instagram before and I am not sure if we have followed each other in Twitter. I hope I have followed you.

I think we have.
What's your twitter handle?

I am having the same name but it has numeric, so it is pinkchic143. How about yours?

Will follow you asap

Awww, so sweet of you. Thank you so much my friend. See you around in all platforms. Have a nice time and keep safe always.

I already follow you on twitter. I hope you do it again. Nice to connect with you. You know my work on hive, I've seen you many times. Greetings my friend @stevenson7 💕

I'm very familiar with you in hive. I'm not sure I follow on twitter. What's your username?

Nice of you to say that. My twitter is . Nice to connect with you. It's the idea to support us all https://twitter.com/Darcy1387 .

@stevenson7 💕


I will follow you, I would like to be on your friends list. @stevenson7

Thank you @borbolet

I will follow back.
Do you have other social media account?

of course, I am already following my dear Stevenson. Nice stew by the way @stevenson7, you even add fish and eggs (that's a lot of protein) 😁

Now you're just teasing me 😂

Thank you dear Iska 🙂

Honestly I didn't use Twitter before, I just started using it to share stuff about Hive, that's where I leave links to my published posts, sometimes I do Giveaways of Hive NFT projects, sometimes I leave comments on Twitter about web3 Hive stuff, it's fun to see and read everything my colleagues post about Hive as well.
This is my Twitter

Ready following you on twitter. Greetings @morenow

Thank you very much for your support, I am happy for your visit.
I follow you back.

I am currently following you @morenow and I am hoping to be a part of the fun things you will be sharing soon

Thank you very much, I'll follow you back


I use twitter pretty much only for hive. I confess I didn't use it before; in fact, I use very few social networks, but with twitter I have become quite active sharing topics about hive.

I like to share what I like, I ask myself. "If I were on twitter... what would I like to find?" And then whatever answers that question is what I share, so that content I follow reaches other people as well.

For example, I tend to consume a lot of craft, art, traditional and digital drawing content. That's my niche, both to consume and to post on hive, so I tend to share content of my own and others on twitter.

It gets a good reception, but there are certainly topics that are liked more than others. The point is that I am active on twitter because of hive, to be honest. If it wasn't for hive I wouldn't use twitter.

I also like and rt a lot of content related to hive and the niches I already mentioned. I like it, it's free and doesn't consume RC hahaha.

Fortunately, we are already following each other, my friend. Let's keep working to keep growing @gaboamc2393

Now that I am one of your followers, I have a good feeling about this. and that is because I can't wait to start consuming a lot of craft, art, traditional, and digital drawing content.

Thank you Acidyo for such a great initiative and contest.

At this point, my Twitter is used almost exclusively for sharing my p2e gaming journey. The majority of that is for Splinterlands and brawl reports. I'll also occasionally share updates on hive and other web3 projects I support or am following.

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Nice day @theacks

I am already following you, Ill be looking forward to reading more of your tweets and contents

I started using Twitter mostly due to POSH, as I was looking for a way to earn more Hive while attempting to grow my audience.

On Twitter I share my Hive posts and sometimes the results I achieve while playing Splinterlands.

Since I'd like to start playing Gods Unchained again, I'm looking to share matches, decks and strategy on both Twitter and Hive, even if first I need to find some spare time in my busy working days ahahah

Tbh, I'm not really interested in Twitter, but I agree with your vision that web2 can be the bridge to web3 mass adoption, so since I joined Hive I tried to keep some level of activity on that platform, hoping to get at least 1 new user into Hive!

Also, you followed me on Twitter when I started sharing hive links through posh (even if maybe you did it to check what I was doing, as I was a new user ahahah), and I always considered this as a honor! Hence, even months later, even if I only have 54 followers, I still keep sharing and doing my best to help spreading the voice about Hive on web2! :)

Thanks for this MASSIVE giveaway! Good luck to everyone :)

Hm I thought I was following you, but when I follow the Twitter link that's on PeakD there are no followers (I was the first?) You might want to check your POSH settings and make sure the right account is associated!

I changed username some months ago: I just saw that on posh I still had the previous twitter username linked. Now I've updated it and hopefully it should be redirecting to the right account :) which is this btw ahahah !LOL

Thanks for telling me about it! !LUV

What’s Forest Gump’s password?

Credit: reddit
@jfuji, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @arc7icwolf

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Nice day @arc7icwolf 💕

now, this is a lot of amazing things about you. And I hope that you got what you were looking for...growing your audience I mean

well, I am sure you did because right now, I will be one of them. And I am looking forward to reading your posts and tweets

I'm more of a Twitter reader and commenter. My rare tweets about hive games

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Greetings @alinalazareva

This is a good way to help is improve on post sharing on twitter and engagement. Great idea

Fortunately, we are already following each other, my friend. Let's keep working to keep growing @ijelady 💕

As someone who wants to be a blockchain promoter in Africa, especially Hive, I am actively growing my twitter followers to be able to reach out to as many people as I can from different parts of the world as I can. I currently have over 900 followers on twitter. I do post memes, My Hive posts and technology related posts on my twitter account. You can join me on this course my following me both on Hive and Twitter. Thank you!

I currently have over 900 followers on twitter

Not bad at all! And now you have one more ;)

Thank you jguji, I've just fo

Followed on twitter, let's keep working and supporting hive. Nice day @lifeof.abdul

I just followed back. Let's the world the Hive story!


I usually post stuff from Hive Gaming and CineTV on Twitter. It’s also a great way to see what other people on Hive are up to. It’s a big busy community and sometimes you’ll see something from a fellow Hiver on Twitter that you might miss on the Hive site. Another awesome thing is that Posh is a great way to see confirmation that Hive-related hashtags on Twitter have immediate effects on Hive.

Sweet! I've followed you :)

That’s awesome! Thanks! Just followed you too 👍🏽

Greetings @shortshots. Ready following you on twitter ✨

Hi @dayadam! Thanks! Just followed you on Twitter too 👍🏽

I always make sure to share my hive blogs on twitter, Before I was focussing on the gaming niche but now I am transitioning more into travel and general crypto concepts and their application to the real world.

I am a great fan of POSH for it helps me be more in touch with the community. At first, I was not actually aware that there is an existing token for POSH but now with my recent deeper study about HIVE and its front end, I came to understand it more.

Sharing blog posts made me more connected to more people in HIVE because it reaches far beyond especially using the stags #crypto and #nft.

I am now looking to onboard more people to HIVE blogging and for sure that POSH will be included in the onboarding procedures.

I already follow you on twitter. I hope you do it again. Greetings @cmmndrbawang

My main topics to support in posh are the hive ladies in communities, I love clouds, topfivefamily contest, Spanish writing contest. Always present in the statistical data of #Hive #Twitter

Mis temas principales para apoyar en los posh son en comunidades las damas de hive, yo amo las nubes, concurso topfivefamily, concurso de escritura en español. Siempre presente en los datos estadísticos de #Hive #Twitter

❤️Hey Ma'am Sacra, for sure I follow you on twitter. You are always a joy to have at #theterminal server with your cute coffee good mornings😍

Thank you, how kind I love to say hello on the discord and bring you some hot coffee to sweeten the work day. A hug of thanks @queenstarr

Gracias que amable me encanta pasar saludando en el discord y llevarle un poco de cafe calientito para endulzar el día de trabajo. Un abrazo de agradecimiento

Always! Hugs Sacra💗🤗

My beautiful Mrs. I have been following you for a long time. I don't know why you don't follow me. I hope you do it again. Best regards @sacra97 💕

My dear dayadam, I used to follow you, I followed you in all the twitter spaces, I hived, I visited you, I supported your beautiful work, but I had to stop to reassess my position, you know I'm topfivefamily, you questioned a vote in a posh, you said more words or less that they were "taking" you. Now you also do it in the posh, you realized that they weren't robbing anyone, but adding votes for everyone. I'll follow you if that's what you want.

Mi querida @dayadam, antes te seguía, yo te seguía en todos los espacios twitter, hive, te visitaba, apoyaba tus hermosos trabajos, pero tuve que detenerme para revaluar mi posición, cuestionaste un voto en un posh, decías palabras más o menos que te estaban "quitando". Ahora tu también lo haces en los posh, te diste cuenta que no estaban robando a nadie, sino sumando votos para todos. Te seguiré si eso es lo que quieres.

My dear lady, I apologize if I offended you at some point, but I was talking about people who promote others, days after the publication of the OCD posh with the valued publication. In fact several people, among them curators and even Mr. acidyo himself, said that this was an abuse because there are people who use it just to passively earn at the expense of others without publishing in hive, but it was never a signaling to you since you do not promote anyone in ODC or go bounty hunting, with so much affection I have for you I would never do something like that and less knowing that everything you do in hive is with love, you stay active everywhere and do so much effort for our beautiful blockchain go ahead. These days several people have clarified that point and said that there are abusers because there are too many of them. Sometimes it gets out of hand to promote the same person at the same time, because it is quality content and many of us want to support it. I really apologize again, but it has never been with you, do not misunderstand those little things. You know that I am not a rude person, and that my purpose here is also to help and support anyone who needs it. My love to you... Have a nice day my beautiful Mrs. @sacra97 💕

Mi querida señora disculpe si en algún momento la ofendi, pero yo hablaba de las personas que promocionan a otras, días después que sale la publicación de la OCD posh con la publicación valorada. De echo varias personas, entre ellos curadores y hasta el mismo Sr acidyo, coloco que eso era un abuso porque hay gente que se vale de ello solo para ganar pasivamente a costillas de otro sin publicar en hive, pero jamas fue un señalamiento hacia usted ya que no promociona a nadie en ODC ni anda cazando recompensas, con tanto cariño que le tengo jamas haría algo como eso y menos sabiendo que todo lo que usted hace en hive es con amor, se mantiene activa por todos lados y hace tanto esfuerzo para que nuestra bella blockchain salga adelante. En estos días varias personas han aclarado ese punto y han dicho que hay abusadores porque los hay en demasía. A veces se escapa de las manos promocionar a la misma persona en el mismo momento, ya que es contenido de calidad y muchos queremos apoyarlo. De verdad le vuelvo a pedir mil disculpas pero jamas ha sido con usted, no malinterprete esas cositas. Usted sabe que yo no soy una persona grosera, y que mi finalidad aquí también es ayudar y apoyar a todo el que lo necesite. Mis cariños para usted... Que tenga lindo día mi bella Sra @sacra97 💕

For me, Twitter has several useful functions that go hand in hand with hive

I have curated valuable content that I get on Twitter

I've also had users follow me from there and I follow them back.

The posh content I posted is mine and others related to my main niche which is gastronomy

There are users from other platforms that have followed me on Twitter thanks to my hive content that I share on posh.

The Twitter - Hive and vs interactions are very good.

I think it is still a good tool to promote hive and make it known to the world.

You can follow me who read me today 🤪 hahaha, cheers.

Fortunately, we are already following each other, my friend. Let's keep working to keep growing @edwing357 💕

Present in all the webs of the solar system 😊

That's right my dear friend @edwing357 💕

I share my posts, comment on other tweets on hive, share degen memes, shit like that. I also use it to read some non hive related peeps.

Ready following you on twitter @trumpman 💕

Hey, it's me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/cjlugo31

My activity on Twitter is due to Hive, previously I didn't use it but since I'm on the blockchain I started to use it. There I posh my Splinterlands posts and Serie A sports analysis, the rest I only read posts from people I follow and topics that interest me. Sometimes I write some tweets but most of them are related to web 3.0.

We already follow each other cool. cheers @cjlugo 💕

I usually use it to share the posts that I find interesting and well done by people here at hive on Twitter, in addition to following the profiles of people from hive, I like to follow some profiles that bring information either in general or that bring market news and crypto.

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