What Good has the Federal Reserve done? -- Do they really help us? -- How May hidden Forms of TAX do you pay?

in #reading7 years ago

A must read book to better understand the context and the need for Cryptocurrency.

The conception of the Federal Reserve took place in the year 1910. Who was at this meeting? I will show you. Not those that you would think fit to be sitting in place of the United States monetary system without a self-benefiting interest. They absolutely had the most to gain. Let me show you what these big banksters were up to.

The Clubhouse the meeting took place in

Just imagine taking all of your banking competitors that you fought aginst to win loyal customers and striping away the need to work and serve those customers to win them over. The banks did not want to fight for business between each other so they joined one anouther and the governmnt to allow them to play by a set of different rules. For customers this would be horrible without any competitive advantage there would be and forming a cartel to fix prices and areas... you get the North I got the South was basically what played out between JP Morgan and Wells Fargo during the meeting on Jeckle Island.

The taxes we pay:

Imcome Tax

Sales Tax

Property Tax

Capital Gains Tax

Inflation- we learn about in the book. If we are losing purchasing power who is gaining it?

In November 1910, six men – Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg – met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system. The meeting and its purpose were closely guarded secrets, and participants did not admit that the meeting occurred until the 1930s. But the plan written on Jekyll Island laid a foundation for what would eventually be the Federal Reserve System.

All of the dark place of the world and the hidden secrets will be brought out into the light for the truth to be made known.
Source: https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/jekyll_island_conference

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the federal reserve is like a ninja, few know about it but if you do you go missing. I amde a post today talking about inflation and this is due to the federal reserve messing with our purchasing power


we all need to learn how they are killing the golden goose

we can can work to earn more dollars at the end of the day but the Fed says what we get with those dollars. I totaly feel what your saying on that one @goldsilverguide

I will check it out thanks for sending the link my way. Are you a part of P.A.L in the discord Channel?

It will help make you some extra bang for your buck!

what is P.A.L in the discord Channel all about?

It's Gods blessing in the form of STEEM POWER support for minnows... I have spent the last month learning about it.

You make it in? My name in the Room is: Roda

The only thing the FED has done is steal from us all by the way of inflation. The FED isn't even part of the USA government which most don't know. These bankers are part of a foreign entity that dosen't have the American peoples wishes at heart.

@queenpine thanks for taking the time! Good point the FED is not Part of the Government.

Many people have a false identity that attacking the FED it attacking America when reality the FED is the one doing the attacking.

We have had wars with guns in the past but today is a war of words.

One of my favorite books! A criminal scam to let a few bankers make all the profits and the public takes all the losses. Good gig if you're a trillionaire.
Absolute must read. You can't truly understand the Fed until you read this book.

End the FED!!!

You said it @g-dubs like a boss!!

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