How to own Cryptocurrency & Real Estate in a self directed LLC IRA // Lower fees than Bitcoin IRA and you hold your keys

in #retirment7 years ago

Source:Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

The Retirement Gold Mine

You have come across some of the most valuable information on the Internet regarding your financial success.

How to transfer your money out of stocks & bonds without crazy fees or penalty tax using the self directed LLC IRA.

I Just got off the phone with Jeff at Broad financial asking him what set apart the services from broad financial and Bitcoin IRA.

The more people I talk to the more I learn that many people would like to buy digital asset with retirement money but don't want to pay the heart wrenching fees that Bitcoin IRA charges.

This little info graphic shows the difference from a Self Directed LLC IRA and the IRA that Bitcoin IRA offers.

You do not have to use broad financial to set up you Self Directed IRA if you feel confident in your abilities to set it up yourself but this will be a cheaper method.

Its not all about the money

This Self Directed IRA will save you money but it will also allow you to hold ownership of your public and privet keys unlike Bitcoin IRA.

By holding your keys in they Self Directed account you would be able to transfer the money out of the IRA at any time before reaching the age of 59.5. The situation of the IRS performing an audit on the account would be the risk of transferring the funds out of the account early.


Thank you for reading I hope you find this helpful for building a more diversified and protected retirement

Follow: @isaac.rodebush


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