Weird sky on way to Vietnam last night

in #science7 years ago (edited)


Anyone know what would cause this. We were about 34,000 feet and as soon as I noticed it from the isle the airline told people to shut their phones down decending to Hanoi. I rushed to pull my phone out and got 10 seconds of video. Very odd like a giant light in the sky. I thought maybe the moon was up above, but was not. I got to my hotel and there was the moon in the sky. Pretty cool whatever it is.

Here are more screenshots from the video which are more revealing. I had to rotate the main photo so it didnt look weird in the wall. Screenshot_20170613-171510.png



what time it was?

I landed at 7:40pm so Id say around 7:20pm since it was right as they told everyone to turn off their devices. People saw me taking video and started to point and talk, but it was all Vietnamese so not sure what their thoughts were.