Shadow Photo Contest Round 29 -Parellel Line Shadows

in #shadowphoto6 years ago (edited)

Shadow Photo Contest

Round 28- Childrens Shadows is now closed. Winners will be announced and payouts made within the next 24 hours. It is a busy day for me today with overnight house guests, so there may be some delays!

This week's contest will award 5 SBD.

Round 29 begins now!

Parallel Line Shadows

Photo cedit- @erikah

We can all thank @erikah for coming up with this week's topic and being our volunteer judge for the week!

To get your photo to show up in the comments, you have to post the link to your post AND the link to your photo. It makes it easier to remember what you posted if we don't have to keep clicking the link and it gets more attention for your photo.
If you have an idea for a topic and would like to be a guest judge, let me know!

Here Are The Rules For The Contest.

The Prizes will be at least 5 SBD, divided between no more, and possibly less than 10 winners, who will be chosen by me, or a judge selected by me.

  • One submission per person

  • If you enter a photo please up vote this post so that the contest can continue. All resteems are appreciated!

  • You can create a post using the tag shadowphoto but the photo or link MUST be posted in the comments here as well.

  • Feel free to use editing and effects to create a special look if you want. Phone photos are great!

  • The photo must be your original work. Please don't use photos that you find on the internet!

  • Submissions will no longer be accepted after the post has payed out in 7 days.

A Hint. Since this is a week long contest, if you publish a post with your entry, you may want to enter on the last few days of the contest. That way your post is still live and can be upvoted when the winners are announced.

Remember to upvote this post when you enter or your entry will not qualify!

Past Winners

Round 1 Winners-one or two people
Round 2 Winners- hand shadows
Round 3 Winners-Tree Shadows
Round 4 Winners- Line Shadows
Round 5 Winners- More the Merrier
Round 6 Winners- Animal Shadows
Round 7 Winners- Architectural Shadows
Round 8 Winners- Vehicle Shadows
Round 9 Winners- Super Hero/figurines
Round 10 Winners-Geometric Shadows
Round 11 Winners- Hat Shadows
Round 12 Winners- Favorite Shadows
Round 13Winners- Leaf Shadows
Round 14 Winners-Colorful Shadows
Round 15 Winners- Shadows on Water
Round 16 Winners- Lamp Post Shadows
Round 17 Winners- Shadows On You
Round 18 Winners- Wall Shadows
Round 19 Winners- Distorted Shadows
Round 20 Winners- Flower Shadows
Round 21 Winners- Kitchen Shadows

Round 22 Winners- Circle Shadows

Round 23 Winners- Walkway Shadows

Round 24 Winners- Crisp and Distinct

Round 25 Winners- Toy Shadows

Round 26 Winners- Love Shadows

Round 27 Winners-Childrens Shadows

The Shadow Photo Contest is a @photofriend supported project.

@photofriend is a community of photographers supporting original photography on Steeemit and fighting against plagiarism. To improve the overall Steemit experience and help fellow photographers is their shared mission. Come to join them on discord:

Proud to be a member of The Steemians Directory

If you are already using eSteem on your phone or the wonderful new esteem Surfer on your PC, be sure and use #esteem as one of your tags, post original content and write at least 50 words for the possibility of an upvote from @good-karma!


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Hi Melinda! I think this image perfectly fit to your new theme :D Its beautiful creature with parellel line shadows from Barcelona :)

Cool sculpture and great shadows! Thanks for entering!

My Shadow Entry


Oh! That is perfectly beautiful! Funny how snow looks pretty in August! Thanks for entering!

Thank you @melinda010100!
It's white sand ;-)

Those are the days I play Jimmy Buffet really loud with the heat in the car cranked way up!

Lots of very wonderful shadows this week! 👍

Hi Melinda and @erikah, another fun theme! Here's my entry, from a traditional old town of East China. It's got a few pairs of parallel line shadows :)

Nicely done! Thanks for entering!

Great photo! Thanks for entering! To get your photo to show up in the comments, you have to post the link to your post AND the link to your photo. It makes it easier to remember what you posted if we don't have to keep clicking the link and it gets more attention for your photo.

Thank you! I managed to put it on visibility somehow...Actually I just thought it was more complicated than it is. Went uploading on some sites and stuff(totally unnecessary). I hope this is good now.

Perfect! And simple enough to do! Thanks.

Hello Melinda, I hope you are well. Here I leave my entry. Greetings.

I am fine, thanks!! Great shadows! Thanks for entering!

Absolutely beautiful photo, but I believe those are silhouettes, not shadows. Right?

Right! Unfortunately there is no shadow here.

That is such a cool photo! There is so much going on here! Thanks for entering!

Greetings @melinda010100. This is my entry to this week's contest.
In my colored pencils I found the shadows of parallel lines. I hope you like it!

Very creative! And colorful, too! Thanks for entering!

Ah! Good one! Very clever! Thanks for entering!

Great line shadows and a great story to go with them! Thanks for entering!

Been awhilesince I have entered. I am giving it a go this week with this entry.20180801_122919.jpg

Love to all

Love the perspective, Julie! Thanks for entering!

Wonderful lines! I love how the shadow distorts on the steps. Thanks for entering!

Still 12 hours left! Thanks for entering!

Lines and mirrors

Indoors fashion boudoir photoshoot at pretty amazing place with a sun hitting directly with very nice geometrical shadows. And to make composition even more complicated the long mirror used to reflect the model.

Natural light only

Enjoy the beauty!


Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

Love the shadows! Thanks for entering!

Ahhhh. I didn't read the rules and tried to put three entries in one post. I took two out, and here's the result:
Vertical lInes.jpg

Good choice! You can put as many photos as you want in your post, just specify which one is your entry, and only post one here to avoid me being confused ( which happens easily!) Thanks for entering!

Thanks. Happy to be a part of this contest.

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

Thank you dear Melinda for letting me be the judge, again, it's a great honour! Let's see those entries people! 😊

I bet there will be some interesting shadows this week! Thank you so much for the great topic and for be willing to pick the winners!❤

Let's hope we'll see some amazing entries! And you're welcome, anytime 😊

Gracias melinda por tus concursos por lo menos a mi me han ayudado y mucho. Hoy les haré heladitos a los niños que participaron, tan lindos todos, hasta descalzos posaron. Gracias melinda.

You are so generous! I bet they are so happy with their ice cream party! Tip!

Hello Melinda, I could not miss the picture of all the guys that helped me form that beautiful shadow. Enjoying the delicious ice cream that I prepared from passion fruit.


I would love to see you do a new post with your winning shadow photo and the ice cream picture! I would love to resteem it!

Hi @bermudezloida! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @melinda010100!

Check out @melinda010100 blog here and follow if you like the content :)

@tipU voting service | For investors.

Week 29?! How can that even be possible? @melinda010100 Congratulations to the winners!!!

I feel the same way every time I write the number for the next week's post! There have been weeks when I wondered how I was going to scrape together the sbd for the prizes, but somehow it has always worked out. But I have certainly loved every week of it!

Hi, count on me, I'm in it
Happy Friday

Oh good! I always love seeing entries from you!

Great theme, Melinda and Erika!! I guess I have one to enter! It was for another shadows idea, lol! Big hug x2, sweeties! Resteemed!

Thanks, luv!😘

Here it goes, sweetie! Sending you much love!


Such crisp dark lines! Thanks for entering!

My pleasure, dear Melinda! Big hug!