The SHIFT Debit Card! Just $10 to order-No Fees!

in #shift7 years ago

Shift Bitcoin debit card review:


After going out to lunch with Amanda B. Johnson at the beginning of the year I set a goal to go Unbanked in the next 12 months. The shift card just got me one step closer. Having seen this as a way to gain freedom from central banks we are only moving more in this direction as a community not even needing banks as the channels and methods of crowdfunding improve. I expect in the near future to see home and small business crowdfunded on the steemit platform along with other blockchain platforms.

"You can now buy gas for your car with with Bitcoin"

If you plan on using the Card at the ATM or to pull out cash then you will pay a several dollar fee for ATM use. When using the card internationally there is also an additional fee per transaction of 3%. This being the case I would only use the card in the country I reside to avoid paying the fee of 3%.

Pros: Easily connects to your Coinbase account, relatively low fees

cons: Available only in 45 states around the US, Coinbase is limited to certain countries as well

Shift position themselves as “the first US Bitcoin debit card”. The company supplies a debit card that is connected to your Coinbase account. However, even though it’s supposed to be the US debit card it’s available only in 45 out of 50 states at the moment.

The card costs a reasonable $10 to produce and has no ongoing fees. There is of course the standard 3% international transaction fee and $2.5 flat ATM withdrawal fee.


Setting up yout shift card


Create a BTC wallet on Coinbase This link will also get you an extra $10 of BTC when you buy your first $100 of BTC (Bitcoin)


Order your shift card in 3-5 minutes the Card will be sent in 5-10 business days.


Load you BTC wallet with Bitcoin and you are ready to go! Get Gas in your car or food on your plate that new self-service banking through SHIFT is quite remarkable for its ability to transact BTC almost any location with the swipe of a card.

Enjoy the fruits of your labors and the long-term growth of Bitcoin. Hope that you find this helpful Please Follow and Upvote to support my wife @sarahjanele and myself @isaac.rodebush as we work as a freelancer on the blockchain.

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@isaac.rodebush Great post on what is only the beginning of cryptocurrency as taking the form of financial services.

I will say that every time I see something like this, I think of the guy who bought pizza with 1,000 Bitcoin. Shouldawouldacoulda....

I am not the Pizza guy haha but I try to work a little hard each and every day. I am really excited to try out the card!
@chefcryptoshark, you hooked an awesome voting trail . How you manage that?

Really glad you shared this... I'm still a little hesitant about Coinbase going fed, but if they stay independent this could be a solid option.

this is a good review from 99 bitcoins about all the options. The trade off of cheap fees or in bed with the Gov and low fees haha

7 different cards to choose from

The first sight I used when researching alternative buying options. It's also where I found out about using Viriwox for paypal transactions. Solid site with good info all around! also good one.


Cryptopay Bitcoin debit card review

Pros: Available worldwide, supplies both physical and virtual cards

cons: Has maintenance and load fees

Cryptopay supplies a Bitcoin debit card that is available worldwide (unlike Bitpay). You can either order a physical card with a chip & pin, or a virtual debit card if you’re just into online shopping. Another great bonus of Cryptopay is that you do not have to supply full id verification if you don’t need high card limits.

The physical card costs $15 and is shipped for free worldwide. ATM withdrawal costs $2.5 and international currency change adds another 3% on each transaction. The things I don’t like about this card is that it has a monthly maintenance fee of $1 and a 1% commission for loading money. If you’re not verified you can load up to €2500 in your card but not more than that.


this is the review I found done on them.

Going to try this s an alternative to Bitpay

I will have my card net week! I was blown away that there was only the initial $10 and no per use fee.

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