How to Fight an Evil Robot

in #societylast month


The above image was made by @amberjyang with Midjourney using the prompt 'super evil robot in a gladiator ring.'

As a society, we are in an abusive relationship with our control regime. The regime keeps hurting us but we can't leave because we're socially and materially dependent on it. Even the most well intentioned reform efforts can't change this dynamic. There's something about the structure of our total system that naturally makes those who occupy positions of power into power abusers.

There is a cycle of harm in play here too. Every power abuser in our regime was first a victim of the power abuses that govern our human ecology. And victims everywhere are encouraged to fantasize about someday being the one on top. The poor long to be rich. The slaves long to become the masters. It's become impossible for many to even conceive of a world without power abusers dominating everything.

Our culture ignores or gaslights everyone who complains about this abusive relationship. The fine structure of our economy also serves to silence those who speak out against the regime's abuses. Relentless campaigns of censorship and propaganda ensure that most people continue to go along with the program. Legacy media sidelines alternative perspectives while intelligence agencies work with shadowy tech companies to inject poison into alternative communities.

Instead of directing out dissatisfaction at the people in business and government who are exploiting us and stealing our power while wrecking the environment, we're encouraged to turn inward. To blame ourselves rather than holding the tyrants in authority accountable for their actions. To medicate our problems rather than address them directly.

Jeffrey Epstein wasn't the worst member of the ruling class to prey on disadvantaged children. He was just the one sloppy enough to get caught. Notably, Epstein's trafficking and blackmail ring was never fully taken down. Most of his co-conspirators kept going on about their business without consequences. The FBI has almost certainly been sitting on evidence related to this for years.

As for the question of what can be done about these power abusers, many things have been tried and none of these things have made a dent in the problem. This isn't something we can vote ourselves out of. Our total system was designed to facilitate power abuses. There's no way to change this without actual systemic change.

We all encounter petty tyrants in our lives. They might be family members or colleagues or HOA busybodies. Learning to defend ourselves against these petty tyrants may give us clues about how to deal effectively with more grandiose tyrants. But the systems through which these tyrants operate aren't people. They're more like robots. Evil robots.

Trying to fight an evil robot is foolish. Rewiring and reprogramming it to make it good makes much more sense. Can our total system be reprogrammed to deter power abuses instead of supporting them? I think it can, but probably only through uncomfortably radical action.

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  • Small Gods of Time Travel is a 41 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt that goes with my book by the same name.
  • History and the Machine is a 20 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on my series of oil paintings of interesting people from history.
  • Artifacts of Mind Control is a 15 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on declassified CIA documents from the MKULTRA program.

Unfortunately, a lot of people now have the mindset of doing bad things when they become leaders since that’s exactly what our leaders are doing…
It’s crazy and that’s just what some people have planned to do

For sure. The question in my mind is how do we change our systems to keep abusers out of positions of power?

Your metaphor of society being in an abusive relationship with the control regime is spot on! An interesting follow-up blog could be about how these evil robots that control society are programmed. Like with ChatGPT, we see how it's programmed to be ignorant about controversial issues. What are the core values and belief systems that drive these machines?

The answer is probably pretty complex. But getting into is seems necessary if we ever hope to reprogram the machine.