# Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 40 Report Card

in #splinterstats4 months ago


Its good to review one's Splinterlands season with the Splinterstats tool. I had stopped doing it for a long time after encountering a technical problem but now am going to try to do it each season.
I have started brawling again to create some extra interest and merits.

Match Report


Diamond Rank367
Rating3387 - Diamond II
Rating High3457
Ratio (Win/Loss)0.81 (172/212)
Longest Streak10

I'm quite impressed by my win/loss ratio of 0.81 and that I got to Diamond II.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard233
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold7

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
Legendary Potions113128241🟡 9640
Alchemy Potions132124256🟡 12800
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS56.718247.063-⭐ 303.781
Merits717324-🎀 1041
CHAOS Packs000🟡 0
Cards (Total)127113240-

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
172🟣 0 + ⭐225.647

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 0 DEC
🟡 22440 CREDITS
⭐ 529.428 SPS

I'm just starting to max out some of my reward cards and hope to get a fully maxed out set before they go out of print. Many of the cards are very useful.

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(5.656)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

I still have a few cards rented out I see.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards459.462
Ranked Rewards as above529.428
Brawl Rewards16.818
Tower Defense136.039
License Stake Rewards302.172
NET SPS1443.919
+ Voucher Drops113.837 🎟️

I hope the SPS price will increase a lot so 1500 SPS is worth some real money.

Overall a good season. I'd like to make it to Diamond I this season.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.


Great season! Congrats! I really hope SPS increases in value, it's kind of pathetic at the moment. Those gold legendary cards continue to elude me too, I also get commons frequently!

Thanks. Splinterlands is really an addictive and interesting game that continues to challenge me after 4 years playing it.


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It's a good reward. You've put in a lot of hard work over the past season and that's the kind of hard work a person does.