TheBadger made up spl card and lore

“Infernoclaw, the Unstoppable” Rarity: Legendary Mana Cost: 8 Attack: 6 Health: 10 Speed: Swift

Lore: Deep within the scorched heart of Splinterlands lies a legend feared by all: Infernoclaw, the Unstoppable. This honey badger, once an ordinary creature, was forever changed by a mystical firestorm that swept through the land. Its fur now glows with embers, and its eyes burn like molten lava.

Infernoclaw roams the charred remains of ancient keeps, leaving nothing but smoldering ruins in its wake. Its machine gun, forged in the fires of chaos, spews explosive bullets that tear through armor and bone alike. The flamethrower strapped to its back turns enemies into living torches, their screams echoing across the desolate landscape.

Legends say that Infernoclaw cannot be killed. It regenerates from its own ashes, rising again to continue its rampage. Some believe it’s a vengeful spirit, seeking retribution for the destruction of its home. Others think it’s a guardian, punishing those who dare threaten the Splinterlands.

Whatever the truth, one thing is certain: When Infernoclaw appears, even the mightiest keep trembles. The best card in the game? No, it’s beyond that—it’s a force of nature, an infernal reckoning that leaves no survivors.

!Infernoclaw, the Unstoppable

My AI generated spl card character and lore. Co pilot comes up with the funniest shit.


Making funny cards and lore with AI is hillarious