What are the benefits of aloe vera for athletes?

in #sportstalk5 years ago (edited)

First of all, it should be noted that aloe vera is a plant with ideal properties for all those athletes or people suffering from pain in their muscles and joints. For example, after strong training or a competition in which they have tried their best. It is an interesting plant at this point because it has anti-inflammatory properties, so it certainly helps to remit and treat these types of problems. It can be applied in gel form, although it can also be taken as juice and will help to deflate and revitalize the body. Different studies affirm how regular consumption of aloe vera juice for more than two weeks is especially interesting to eliminate fluid retention and reduce inflammation.

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In addition, aloe vera will also be the perfect ally of people suffering from arthritis or a similar disease. It helps to reduce inflammation and soothes the inflammation that usually arises in people suffering from this disease. In addition the application in the form of cream is also a good option

Aloe vera is also very interesting to improve cardiovascular functions in anyone. That is, juice made from aloe helps stimulate blood, but also purifies it. Thanks to aloe, the brain and heart remain better oxygenated and work faster (source).

And aloe vera is also a very interesting option for athletes, as it helps them improve the oxygen present in their blood efficiently. Different studies show how it helps a lot to oxygenate the blood. This is important for athletes because it will help them feel better physically and therefore also help them improve their athletic performance. No doubt training is not only sports, but the part of rest, food and treatments is really important to be able to perform efficiently and at this point, without a doubt, aloe vera can be a great ally for athletes.

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Aloe vera is also a great option because it will help anyone who plays sports to avoid oxidative stress. This is because it is a plant that is very rich in vitamins of all types such as vitamin B12, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin A and vitamin C. In addition, it also has folic acid and with niacin, no doubt vitamins and minerals more than necessary for the body of an athlete to function efficiently.