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RE: I'm upending your industry and replacing your whole business model, but only if that's alright with you.

in #spt2 years ago

I appreciate your views, and don't want to argue against them, but I wouldn't say that I am part of an anti-crypto mob. I'm trying to do my best in expanding tournaments outside of the current walled garden that exists within the game. I'm not pro or anti crypto, and to paint me as such is a little disingenuous at best. Sorry to hear that we have differing opinions on the future of how to operate tournaments, and I will do what I can to reconcile our differences.


I didn't say you specifically, I'm referring to a growing group of people within the community that are suggesting taking actions that go against crypto core values. I'd say that requiring KYC and banning accounts is very much anti-crypto IMO. Also, I disagree that KYC will bring in new players. I think it will turn way more people away than bring in.