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RE: I'm upending your industry and replacing your whole business model, but only if that's alright with you.

in #spt2 years ago

Thanks, Matt.
Couldn't agree more. I'm definitely not comfortable giving out my details to any company. I haven't dealt with any exchange for a long time, especially for that exact reason.

I'm totally with you when you say official tournaments should be open for everyone.


I agree that tournaments should be open for everybody, but the refrain of wanting to eliminate bots and excise alt accounts from eating up tournament funds are sort of what causes this crossroads on how to handle and deal with it. As a mod in the Discord, I always appreciate your feedback and input, and will remember this in the future when you give your input that you are not a fan of the changes I would advocate for. Do not want to dissuade you from the issues KYC presents, but would love to hear more options on how to solve some of the roadblocks we are running into when it comes to making tournaments equitable.

Of course. You are part of a cheating network who wants to hide the organised theft you are part of. You and your "friends" are the biggest thieves and cheats in the game, and part of the insider circles who are stealing from everyone else with your monopolist behaviour. You are a bunch of two faced liars who are only interested in your own selfish greed, and protected by some of the team members who are also part of the daylight robbery. Youve come a long way from caring about the poor people, to now crying about your own selfishness and greed.

There is no better example of how much of a joke you and your insider "friends" are, when you are part of a group that runs a huge bot farm in secret, and then claim that only others are doing it. You go on witchunts, to remove any competition that get in the way of your monopoly, by claiming everyone else is cheating, while you are all robbing everyone else in broad daylight. There are no bigger thieves in this game than your networks who cheat as a business.

Hi PK. Long time no read 🤣