
He didn't boost the original comment, I did for visibility, @lordbutterfly then asked me if I boosted it, I said yes. That will say he did no effort in pushing it to the top

You've actually done a fine job of demonstrating why actual curation is important. You bought this top slot and disguised it as popular opinion because you and possibly a loud minority agrees. No different than if this post was about Coke and someone wrote in to speak about their bad experience with Coke while Pepsi paid for top positioning. It's shady. It would be hard to take the Coke hater's views seriously.

I downvoted for the simple fact, the top slot only required $4 but I saw $12 next to the comment. Since the point of the purchase was to place it at the top, $8 was a waste of resources, so I returned a portion of that to the pool, giving others an opportunity to earn it. There's no point in wasting $8 and if people want to treat it like it's worthless, it will become worthless.

It's all transparent so there is no secrecy here. It's not shady since it's transparent. Anyone can go look who buys a vote or promotion. I did this because I felt strongly that it should have more visibility. Now since this boost of comment was something that was possible when I went to the promotion page I thought it would be no big deal.

It was done for visibility. Did it work? Yes it got more visibility and feedback. And I appreciate it. And yes I looked at it with some margins. A bigger numbers creates a bigger response. I wouldn't call it a waste since I think conversations on important nuanced topics as governance has value for the whole Blockchain ecosystem.

I also would call it a popular opinion since I would say if someone puts lots of capital behind something that shows a level of care for the platform. Since it shows some form of investment. I would call important conversations more valuable than any other thing. But I understand people have different points of views about governance and how they want things to be. You need a range of various people to create a balanced network.

I didn't comment because there was money beside the post. I've been visiting and reading this blog since it came out. It could have been down at the bottom, I would have said the same damn thing.

Part of what you're calling 'feedback' was you telling another member how to ask questions properly.

You feel strongly about it, you see value in it, but not everyone sees the world as you do. That goes for me as well. I see the world as I do, and I think it's shady. Just because I can see an employee helping themselves to cash out of the register, that doesn't make it okay.

I could spend $1 million dollars to buy a billboard slot and claim my hockey team is the best in the world. So what if their record is 0 wins and 20 losses? Because I spent money to say something, that makes it true? Because I spent money, that means I love my favorite hockey team even more?

Sounds more like the money is clouding your judgement.

Sometimes I think you're another one here with their head screwed on backwards. And I mean that in a nice way. I just don't know what other words to use to best describe what I see. Sometimes it feels like opposite day here and everyone is just acting weird on purpose because those are the rules.

P.S. I don't have time to sit here and talk in circles tonight.

Exactly we are all different and view at things with slight differences (or big differences). But my base view is that I think money has a larger importance in how it shapes reality. I think money creates reality as you can shape people's life with it in any way you like.

And some of us are too different that it is as you say, it would only be talk in circles and never get anywhere. I enjoy reading a lot of your stuff, it's extremely well written and I would even call it poetry sometimes, but I also know that I would not look at stuff the same way sometimes, but I can at the same time 100% agree with you.

Some people are very hard to read. I like to test reality and sometimes even confuse people. I like to play roles sometimes. Experiment around. And if you find someone else that maybe do the same you may get max confusion. Haha. Well we are on something called Earth with unlimited ignorance. So there is lots of stuff you can do here and spend time with!

To shed some light on how I see things, hear me out.

Someone can spend money, rent a fast car and a nice suit for the weekend. Another can own the same fast car and suit. Put them side by side. One is a fake, the other is real. The money doesn't mean shit at that point. The fake is acting like a big shot and the real deal has nothing to prove. It's easy for me to see the difference and my respect goes to the real deal by default. The fake loses all respect in my mind because they spent money with the hopes of manipulating me. I don't trust frauds. They never change. They'll try to do it again if I let my guard down. Respect cannot be purchased.

As soon as you converted that comment into a paid promotion, I'm reminded of cheeseburger commercials and how they try to make the grease sound good for me. They can't tell me the truth because they spent money to make it look good, not bad. They're trying to manipulate me.

You tried to manipulate me by placing that money there and I base that conclusion upon the words you shared with me here today, not just on how I feel about things in general.

Thanks for your explanation how you see at it I highly appreciate it

I just see it as promote it for better visibility. Is it manipulation? Well probably... I want it in front of more eyes. For me it's an interesting experiment and I don't see it as trying to buy someone's respect. I want more discussions on a post :D

Is it taking advantage of capitalism and pushing something in front of people? Yep... Is it ethical? Is it asshole? Perhaps, idk really... But I think that it's important important stuff get's better visibility, and I only do it on stuff I feel matters a lot

Same as I boosted one of Ned's comments here the top one:

Well, but what you didn't mention is that the fake in your example is a single dad trying to bring some light into his kid's life on the eve of their mother's disappearance and the real deal made his big money by selling the mother's and others' kidneys.

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But circles are the best shape to talk in.

Thank you, folks, be sure to tip your waitress, I'll be here all.... Eternity.

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It's not super transparent, because there are plenty of new users who have no idea what upvote bots are. There was a bot that tried to post about that, but it got killed. This is an odd war.

I'm just watching. I care, but I can't say I know what's right, and also everyone is really emotional about social media, so that's kinda scary.

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