People - PLEASE Read This And THINK. Do You Want This Space To Succeed? Or Are You Just Sitting Passively And Waiting For Moon-Lambos?

in #steem6 years ago

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Well, there is no magic spell that is going to make that happen. No ETF. It is YOU, WE. I don't care if you are a trader, investor, gamer, blogger or what not. You are here with your SP. I think that either power down and give up, or you put that SP into projects that can take us further!


What will it take to make crypto and especially STEEM to succeed? If you are here with 500SP or 5000SP or 20k SP, it is your choice.

Do you:

A) Spend it all on upvoting your own posts (short sighted)

B) Delegate to some no good friends? (short sighted)

C) Have no plan with your SP, but expects the price to moooon soon

Either way, you are thinking SHORT SIGHTED. Let me tell you ONE important thing. One of the industries where crypto will be disruptive is the gaming industry. What is keeping a lot of people from gaming? Well..the fact that it's not having a real economic system. You waste time gaming. All your effort and money goes to the developers and company creating the game. You can find or create amazing items, but with the push of a button, they can drop millions if new better items, and your effort was basically a waste (sure, you had fun..)

With games on blockchains or with a blockchain based economic system on the side, amazing economies will develop in these games. SCARCE RESOURCES. Unlimited possibilities.

So where am I going with this rant?

If we want to see projects succeed and being built we have to F**** support them!! There is no magic here, kids. No one is going to DO IT FOR US. If you want to play games with an integrated steem economy or have steem prices go up, well you have to at least SUPPORT projects being built.

So if you are on STEEM with some SP or ALOT of SP, and not supporting projects being built using STEEM, then you are being very ignorant. You can't just sit and wait for prices to moon, if you're not contributing. We ARE the space. This goes for the entire crypto space, but we are on STEEM here, so support your Steem projects.

And I am going to advocate @chibera in particular, because they seem to have an amazing project in the works. I will promote and delegate and support future projects like I have supported steemmonsters as well. Blockchain based games, or games that have economies that are based on blockchains will become HUGE.

And you DO know that you can delegate to anyone you want, without ANY risk OR cost right? Use [Steembottracker ] Press Tools and then Delegation manager.

Please read about @chibera project and support them with some SP if you think it sounds exciting. I have all ready delegated to them with my other accounts.

Short About Chibera

Basically a MMORPG which also is going to offer an in game exchange/marketplace where you can sell your gold coins for Steem (and possibly EOS) and/or purchase and sell items FOR Steem. This will help drive demand for Steem as well as offering a very unique feature. This is going to be a REAL graphical game. Check video below.

If we in the space don't support projects, who is?

I am not affiliated to this project at all, nor invested in anything except delegating SP.