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RE: How Medium Can Morally Monetize In One Month Using STEEM

in #steem7 years ago

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, mechanisms have been put in place so that fraudulent or criminal acquisition of tokens can be rolled back.

Can you expand on this? First I've heard of it. Are you talking about account recovery tools?


I kind of misemembered this. I've edited the text to reflect what I think is more accurate. Account recovery plus the savings accounts are the relevant innovations that thwart bad actors.

Steemit was hacked once and they fixed it. I don't think he's talking about individual frauds, just big heists like happened this summer.

Ah, so basically account recovery. Steem never rolled back those thefts, instead SteemIt compensated users for stolen funds (huge difference, philosophically and in practice).

I was under the impression that they blocked the thief and reverted the transactions. You sure you're right? I'm honestly not sure where I'm getting that idea from except some crease deep in the recesses of my unused grey matter.

If you find the old posts about it, they only talk about reimbursements, not transaction rollbacks. Steemit paid for the stolen funds because it was relatively small ($85,000), a benefit of the fact that most Steem was locked up as Steem Power. I believe that Dan also clarified in a post that there was no rollback, but I can't seem to find it now.

We added account recovery to fix stolen accounts. We reimbursed steem for stolen funds.