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RE: History is a great teacher

in #steem6 years ago

Woow a bright future for us who only have a cents, and not being noticed anyhow though we also do our best to create what we can show and.comtributed in the community. I hope and we are hoping sir that what u have proposed and post will open the heart and mind of the people who are behind steemit. And they will share your thoughts of giving some hope to us small fish who happens to be noticed. But still i am still happy even if i only getting cents on my post for as long as i am.happy and feel fulfilled to show others my talent in poetry. I still keep going even if no u.v or gained from it, for i felt that i am not wasting my time for posting, commenting and replying for steemit help others changing their lives. Good luck sir @snowflakes and God bless for this matter! For this will be fair for all of us, thank you.