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RE: Improving the Economics of Steem: A Community Proposal

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

First of all...

Now that I have that out of the way, you know me. I 100% agree that this is a raging dumpster fire. The content on here is a joke (and I don't mean the good kind). Where you and I differ fits right into the house analogy.

The house is on fire (super shitty content), I believe the fire department is on their way (SMTs), and there are three buckets of liquid sitting at our feet (these proposed changes). We don't know what is in the buckets for sure. We can only take a guess. I think one is filled with gasoline for sure (free downvotes). I'd prefer to wait for the fire department. I'd like to see if they can put it out before taking the risk that I am throwing gasoline on this already toxic disaster.

It sure would help if I knew how close the firetrucks are. If they are right around the corner, I'll wait. If they are 24 moons away, perhaps it is time to simply toss away.


haha I think it's very optimistic that SMTs are the panacea but you'll likely get your way and one of us will get to tell the other one 'I told you so'

But if they bring it out in the same hardfork then we'll never truly know that I was right :)

Exactly! That is why I say one at a time. The fire has already been burning for like 2 years. Its pretty much all burning methane at this point. I'm confident there is still plenty of bullshit left to fuel it.

And I certainly don't care about being right. If this place becomes a raging success, I will rip off all of my clothes and run don the street screaming "I was so fucking wrong! And I've never been happier!"

But to be fair I do some version of this every other Tuesday so it probably won't garner a very big reaction.