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RE: Steemit Blockchain Team Update: AppBase, RocksDB, Bandwidth, HF20, SMTs, and more!

in #steem6 years ago

You have explained SMTs in a non-technical manner that can be understood by anyone @phoneinf. Cheers to you buddy. No wonder why people are dying to see them getting released. :-D Haha! Money Money everywhere. It will change the game for real content creators using services that are not making them money from the day one itself.


Haha yes exactly. Money everywhere. But I still think the major key will be to get that money streaming and flowing in the system! That will say that the higher value will be all the micro transactions of value. And the Quality Relationships and Quality Communication we build up. Since the real currency in this day an age is becoming Time and Attention.

That means that we never want Tokens to be sitting still inside of our account. We always want it to go back to work... I hope we can keep the Steem price down for a few more months so I can load myself up with some more awesome Steem. Then we can start the real Roller Coaster into heaven... 🎢