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RE: Help Fix Steem's Economy!

in #steem6 years ago

I hope never to see the 4 post limit again. Without the masses, the price of STEEM will never go up by orders of magnitude and you can't expect the masses to write "longer more detailed posts". The four post limit could kill DLike, for example. We want a vast variety of types of content on the blockchain.


It's not so much about creating the blogging masses but about attracting the masses as viewers and participants in the ecosystem. Not everyone should be a blogger. SMTs promises to help but could be over 6 months away.

I'm not against putting back the 4 post limit on blogging. The main issue with blog posts is they can only collect rewards for a short period of time which also means discovery is harder. If you post high quality content often then chances are only a small percentage of your best content will be discovered. If you post just random stuff you get the same or similar rewards so what is the incentive to post high quality content consistently?

I don't know the solution but I think we need to try.

I don't see Steem the blockchain as a mere blogging platform at all. To do so would be incredibly narrow-minded. Sure, you can implement a daily post number cap at the front end level but such limitations have no place at the level of blockchain rules, in my opinion. Why? Steem should be a universal content delivery platform with rewards, open for app developers to develop any type of app they can possibly think of.

By the way, the payout window limitation has already been worked around with Steem Forever.
