I Can't See How You Don't See It

in #steem5 years ago

For the most part, this post is reiterating an older post about my vision for Steem. I see so many posts talking about the vision, direction, whatever you want to call it for Steem, and the general idea is we don't have one. We don't know where we're going, we're just in limbo. I definitely think there's truth to this, but I can't understand why. It's RIGHT THERE!

This original, simple idea, rewarding content creators, or you might call it connecting consumers and creators, or whatever. Without selling you a lie, or an exaggeration, or some bs, Steem is literally, technically the best platform in the world for this.

I say technically because I mean, we have the technology. We don't have the features, the user experience or the user interfaces.


Adding donations to posts and comments is not the end, it's the beginning. Follow me though a little brainstorming session. Once we have donations associated with authored posts, what else becomes possible?

  • Putting content behind a paywall.

Now of course you could do this with just upvotes, but that would be incredibly limiting and well...stupid. By allowing users to combine their upvotes with a direct payment/donation, very simply, you give content creators an incredibly powerful tool to sell their content on the platform. This also creates an incentive for people to buy Steem as well as Power up Steem. The more SP they have, the more content they'd be able to unlock for "free"

Expanding on this feature, you could create multiple types of locks. One that says, "If this posts receives x rewards, it gets unlocked to everyone" or "Every user/account has to pay y to unlock this content for their specific account". With just that we are now competing with Kickstarter, Patreon, Gumroad, Artstation, any website where users can sell digital goods. Every post could be it's own mini Kickstarter.

We don't need to mimic other platforms. We need to INNOVATE and use the power of blockchain and cryptocurrency to show the world that we're sitting on a huge mountain of gold and opportunity.

  • Borderless, Global, Censorship Resistant Support for content creators, all at the speed of the internet.

Again, this is not some bullshit sell. This is what we already have if we just develop it so humans can and want to use it. ie It's easy and pleasant to interact with.

Here's a little anecdote. I play Tekken, the 3D fighting game. When I was younger, I used to compete all the way up to the national level. Tekken has become a pretty popular e-sport now and it's my football/basketball/whatever sport you like. I have my favorite players that I've been following for years. So at EVO Japan(a large fighting game tournament) a guy came out of nowhere and won the entire tournament. Korea has always dominated Tekken for over a decade now. This guy was not Korean, he was Pakistani. Turns out Pakistan has an insane Tekken community, but they don't travel much because of Visas and money. The guy that won is arguably top 3 Tekken players in the world. The other people in that range who are in Korea, or Japan or the UK or America, don't have 9-5 jobs. They are pro Tekken players. They have sponsorships and make money streaming.

What's the point of this story? If this Pakistani player was on Steem(and we had a fully featured streaming platform) and Steem was popular, he would not only be able to afford whatever he needed to travel the world playing Tekken, he would probably be pretty well off. In Pakistan, they use the Rupee, 1 Rupee = .0066 USD. I'd love to live in a world where when you're the top 3 IN THE WORLD at anything, you don't have money problems.

Steem has the ability to be that solution. It just needs to be nurtured. One more.

  • If you could donate in Steem, why not other cryptos?

What function does @blocktrades currently do? What is @freedomex planning to do? Steem engine? We have all these businesses that will operate as exchanges on Steem. How awesome would it be to be able to receive donations on you posts in any crypto and have it instantly converted to Steem and sent directly to your wallet? Why not? It's all already here, just waiting for someone to take all the puzzle pieces and arrange them in a way to where they're elegant and beautiful and easy. This takes Steem out of the realm of just being this internal echo chamber to providing a service and function to the entire crypto community. Then this becomes the home of all the crypto communities. Combine that with the actual communities feature so that the different tribes can stick together and we are on our way to literally changing the world.

Can you see it? I'm usually painting pictures with pixels, but I hope you can clearly see this picture I'm painting for you now. This is our unique selling point, out value proposition, the thing we can do that others can't. It's RIGHT THERE, we just need to take it!


To just drive this home, I saw @crypto-daily posted a video on 3Speak. I thought it was cool he was posting on Steem, but when I went to the site what did I see?


That's right, a donate button. We need this everywhere. We need to take the shackles off of Steem and start using it to it's full potential. Okay, if I was talking, I'd be out of breath, but I'm tying so...

Anyway, thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts in the comments!


This is something we can add to the RocketEx Condenser fork. We can test it out the front ends we are currently building out. We can make this happen. Excellent idea!!!

@freedomex That would be amazing! If you are committed to this I will support you guys in any way I can that you need. I'm going to read more about RocketEx to learn more.

As ever, you have the clearest and brightest vision of STEEM.

Who’s attention do you need to start laying the foundations of these ideas?

Is this something @oracle-d could help with?
I think it’s right up their street to investigate the properties you talk about.

I’m totally behind you on this. Exciting stuff.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks so much as always @ashtv! I think there are a lot of different people that could implement this. I'm pretty sure the donations feature wouldn't require a HF. I think to really take advantage of the power it would be best to put it on the blockchain, but the lowest hanging fruit could be just at the frontend level. So @steempeak, @busy, @esteem, etc. Any of them could do it. Steempeak showed interest for a second, but then it seemed to fizzle out. It looks like @freedomex is interested now as well on their condenser fork RocketEx. Gonna check that out now.

Oh that’s a really cool idea! Maybe @steemitblog can check this out and ask the community what they think (:

@alexvanaken I'd love it if they were that responsive, but I've been talking about this for ages actually. Here's hoping! :)

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 5 years ago  Reveal Comment

I'm not suggesting we replace one for the other. I'm suggesting adding features that will empower creators as well as provide new opportunities for developers.

However, direct payment is inefficient and not really viable for content creation and curation. The value of most content is so low relative to the cognitive, financial, and opportunity costs associated with making a payment that few readers choose to tip.

This is demonstrably false. Twitch, youtube, Patreon, these are all businesses that have donation mechanisms and they're extremely successful. It doesn't matter that the content is free, people want to support their favorite content creators and they do. This isn't a thing we need to debate about, it's just a fact. Steem is bigger than just articles. Maybe that's the sort of thing that people would have trouble getting donations for in the past, but honestly I haven't ever seen it attempted in a way that's actually user friendly and straightforward. It's probably out there, but I've never seen it.

Again, a paywall wouldn't be a replacement for our current system, just additional tools for authors. It would be up to the author to decide what to give away for free and what to charge for. Again, to say that this doesn't work is ridiculous because it's exactly what people are doing on Patreon today. With all their drama Patreon is still doing MUCH better than us.

Now if it's a technical limitation of a transparent blockchain that's another matter, but I think a solution could be worked out people really wanted it, which I think they would.

Having a "Donation" button as an option allows an authors content to go beyond the 7 day payout window... no expiration on timeframe it can be monetized. I have discussed this with several of RocketEx clients and they love the idea!

That's really awesome to hear! I can't wait to see it!

Why have an upvote button on the post, why not just have the upvote apply to their account with no visual feedback?

Would adding a "Donate" button be so bad? Anyway, we have paying RocketEx Condenser customers who want it...So, they will get it! Have a great day!!

Please consolidate your ranting into a single comment.
None of this really deserves a serious answer because you're not actually interested in facts. You obviously just like hearing yourself talk, but I'll give you one serious answer then flag the rest of this crap.

First off Patreon.

  1. There is content on Patreon. It's not primarily for browsing, it's for following a creator that you're already familiar with. I can understand you not knowing anyone that makes money on Patreon as I image they don't hang out in your circles. I know several, as I'm an artist and content creator.

Why do people on Pateron hide how much they make?

They didn't before, I imagine because users requested it. I remember there's a girlwho paints anime characters and she makes a ridiculous amount of money. I think that would ultimately work against the creator. If someone is making 23k every two weeks everyone who sees that will think "She's got enough money, I'm not going to pile on" At least that's what I'd think. So I imaging it's actually the opposite of what you're thinking.

  1. Donations are not difficult on Steem, it's the communication of the donation that this feature brings. It gives people the ability to communicate their appreciation for a piece of content or comment or whatever. The same way an upvote does. It gives people more options. Upvotes take a lot of SP to actually have value. More people could actually afford to send small donations. None of it would be forced on anyone, just more options.

Anyway, I seriously doubt you care that you're just spouting nonsense, but on the off chance you care to try reality for a change, check those links.

Before you go on a long rant demonstrating you have no idea what you're talking about, do a google search. I'll do it for you

People don't make bread and butter on Patreon??? You obviously don't know anything about this so I have no idea why you'd even feel the need to comment. I don't mind defending my position on something or someone checking me, but you're just spouting nonsense.

The vast majority of people who are content creators for a living are able to do that because of Patreon. It's literally the #1 site in the world for that.

Double wrong

Every content creator in the world has a Patreon and makes millions per minute. It’s a scientific, algorithmic, fact.


Seriously, google. Learn to use it.