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RE: Enter a whale's mind

in #steem7 years ago

As you can see my voting power at 100% is worth 0 to 0.01. No one was seeing my posts so I spend my time on Steemit reading posts and leaving encouraging comments. This has helped my reputation score to increase steadily and quickly. I am no longer able to do this every day but I do it as much as I can. I greatly value integrity, it seems to be getting rarer which is so sad.

People respect and trust me because of my integrity. So that is what I focus on in Steemit. I was hoping that Steemit would be a way for me to support my father 82, his two cats and myself while staying with him full time. I had to give up my job, literally, I had to drop everything one morning when one of his cats was deathly ill. The kitty is doing great and my father is doing better having me here. My emergency funds are almost gone and all the hours I put in here daily for about forty days has brought in about $7.00. I had to reduce my time on Steemit, and I am disappointed with my experience, but for some unknown reason, I will continue to build a positive reputation and encourage others when I can. I came on Steemit putting in much time and expected to contribute to it as a full-time business. I admit I am having second thoughts.


Thank you, everyone, for the very kind upvotes, thank you @justinomora @etuinerx @cyptoninja @stellabelle