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RE: Why I won't support Jerry Banfield anymore - JerryCoin

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

No arguments there. We live in a pyramid system. It’s shit, but that’s how it rolls.
CEOs don’t necessarily make the most money because of any special contribution to society though. Most of them get there because of the wealth they were born into, some of them because of the heads they trod on to prop themselves up, a few because they worked smart.
An intelligent, compassionate person doesn’t venerate dysfunctional systems. We try to invent better ones that will inevitably replace this archaic one we’re existing in and we start by identifying the problems in it.


You are wrong. Majority because they worked smart and was humble. But that is too painful for you to hear so you tell yourself a fantasy story. I'm sure you know a genius better system? Let's hear it. Let's hear the genius system that you want to use that is better than capitalism.

Haha. Well, not only am I friends with CEOs of massive corporations, but my uncle was a CEO of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world and I’ve hung out with Richard Branson. I think I know what I’m talking about. It’s not fantasy buddy.
There are far better systems than greed capitalism. We don’t have to resign ourselves to what we have now because we have the intelligence to create better systems, but we can only do it together when we aren’t complacent and apathetic.

Better system but you didn't mention any? Haha.

Just because I can’t spit out a system at your supercilious beck and call doesn’t mean there isn’t t oneand doesn’t mean we can’t work together to create one.
More poignantly, we should work together to create one.
Why? Because your beloved capitalism clearly doesn’t work.
Ask any sane, educated third world person what they think of our precious capitalism. Oh. It works for oligarchs. It almost works for first world countries.
But the system itself is destroying our planet’s ecosystems because there’s nothing keeping it in check.
We need something vastly different. Something invented in this new era when we are painstakingly aware that we do not have infinite resources on a finite planet.

All that being said, a

Is really the only way forward at this point.

We have something new better coming. Blockchainism, will be a combination of capitalism, socialism and communism.

Even the Venus project, the Zeitgeist movement and permaculture have better designed systems than capitalism.
We need to move to a


But the system itself is destroying our planet’s ecosystems because there’s nothing keeping it in check.

thats actually the problem. People keep trying to put the capitalistic system in check, when all that ever does is solidify those who already understand how to game the systems chances at staying at the top...

True free market capitalisms check and balance system is free trade. Sure monopolies will arise temporarily, and may have a negative impact, but as long as people have the ability to be innovate new and more efficient ways of doing things the system will check itself over time.

you mention that capitalism only works for first world countries... thats entirely false it benefits third world countries much more because it gives them an opportunity to recieve funding from sources other than their own failing governments. You only see problems when these countries enact rules that hinder free market capitalism such as in veneuzuela

NO. The oligarch class use governments as pawns in a grand chess match. Third world governments are not at fault for their situation in the capitalist system.
Capitalism (and communism) can only work if human consciousness evolves and the playing field is made even. Until then, these systems will always be played by oligarchs for their own benefit and to the Earth’s detriment.
It’s foolish to have any system that has no humanity at its core.

What happened to Veneuzuela is entirely the fault of Hugo Chavez's shit economic policies. PDVSA is literally the entire reason the countries economy is where tis at right now.

dshbfsdfhsdfh ewuweh iojlkkflha

have you ever even attempted to manage or run your own business. Things just don't work that way. Every single CEO of a successful company is there entirely because of their skill. Sure many of them came from rich backgrounds but the money itself doesent help them one bit. If they don't know how to actually be a CEO then the business will fail and they will be sued into poverty by the shareholders

The reason why the offspring of the rich and powerful tend to do well is due to a number of reasons, first being selective breeding(having standards) over time favors the strong, creative, intelligent, and beautiful. The second reason why is because they grow up around a bunch of rich and powerful people. These children get first hand knowledge of something that the rest of us are only able to speculate on form the moment of birth. You should read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" the author may have not been entirely truthful about his life, but who wouldn't embellish certain things a bit while writing an autobiography

The misnomer that most people make about being born into wealth is that it has to do with the money itself that creates and perpetuates more wealth. But no, that’s not the case, it is knowing the underlying game and having access to the processes and the people that make that game function at its core level that make those born in wealth attain skills. It is because they are taught those skills and anybody born Into any other class doesn’t get taught those same skills. When you went to school did you get taught how to do your taxes? Did you get taught how to even budget and finance? That’s what the book rich dad poor dad alludes to, that there is again there are loopholes and it is not shared to the meeting it is kept in the hands of the few.