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RE: Steemit Blockchain Team Update: AppBase, RocksDB, Bandwidth, HF20, SMTs, and more!

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Awesome comment! I agree 100%!

Since I run a YouTube channel with over 1 million subscribers it scares me to view the comments since nobody has any care about how they behave. Since there is no reputation system or monetary system it's full on madness in there between Rich and Poor. On these new platforms you can build yourself up by working hard and you can eventually have real influence! It's full 100% communism on the other platforms since you can't build yourself up there haha. Or well you can in a way but you have to sort of manipulate others that is the game.

Just as you sort of is saying hopefully SMTs can really increase engagement because it's clear that we notice that STEEM more works on the backside as electricity and how that will be harder to get access to in the future. While these new Tokens will be easier and more fun to get a hold on. Since you are part of something when it starts.

One of the best parts on Steemit of course is no weird 3rd party advertiser trying to boost something. But it will really be fascinating to watch companies becoming involved and be chatty with the community. They are currently just discovering Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. But it's still very non personal communication since they don't really see the big point of it. But here with the underlying monetary reward system it really really makes sense to truly engage in a legit way!

Clearly one of the most fascinating things is the ability to rent out power in a safe way with no risk. Was shocked when I first discovered that. Truly a paradigm shift in how you can do business. Everytime I open up my traditional Bank everything is slow and complicated. This is just so much more smooth and I trust the currency so much more since I am personally involved more in how things are being developed and I can have a close look at things daily. Compared to these Fiat currencies where I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. I also love the transparency here it creates a lot of trust.