1 STEEM = 1,403 Satoshi -- Is this sudden rise related to listing of STEEM/USDT pair at Binance?

in #steem2 years ago

(Chart by TradingView)

The Ultimate Moving Average of Steem's price against Bitcoin continued to rise to about 850 Satoshi around April 10. But then it fell again until recently, when it suddenly jumped dramatically.

Meanwhile, the SuperTrend indicator, which was previously in a short position, has moved to provide a buy signal around the end of March. And yesterday the signal suddenly strengthened very sharply.

Additionally, the Squeeze Momentum indicator also moved into a bullish position yesterday and is getting stronger with relatively large volatility.

Will Steem's price trend against Bitcoin continue to rise rapidly? And is now really the time to buy? Is this sudden rise in Steem price related to Binance, which just listed the STEEM/USDT trading pair?

Let's keep an eye on the price fluctuations of Steem relative to Bitcoin.