
you complain a lot. maybe offer a helping hand to Steem Inc. do you know how to program?

What have you done for steemit?

I do my best to post useful content. Whether it be humorous, serious, cynical, good, bad, etc . i try to supply the community with something useful. One thing I don't do is complain about a platform that is still in Beta. you havn't done anything to help steemit inc ( apart from posting content which everyone do) yet go on people's post complain about how they do nothing and complain a lot.. haters gonna hate

Criticizing for months at a time which is all you do doesn’t really help them. I’m sure they are really taking all your opinions to heart.

The platform is based on a collective effort of authors and curators. If every user posted like you do, what would this platform look like?

I didn’t complain about you doing nothing, I complained about you crying 😢 like a little girl about this and that every post.

Stop your cry baby bitchin’ all the time ❄️

OMG :) I wonder who runs that account anyways for quite some time....

I've always wondered who the heck runs that account. It seems like it is an enemy sometimes. Poor choices in retweets and hostile communication. Poor grammar. lol, it is a riot.

Holy hell, combined with all the platform issues for 3 weeks, it's like they're trying to dig their own grave!

Great post... Why all this confusion? And who is winning long term? @snowflake

The parts of all that which I know are incorrect are mostly way outdated - but the top of the article does at least make a correction to the time period used for powering down.

I wonder who runs Steemit's Twitter feed..

Good share but is info for customers capture or sell something

Are we even talking about the same STEEM, LOL

Do you know if Steemit have been notified?

I have no idea

I just notified Andrarchy.