Steemit Police!

in #steemit-police7 years ago (edited)

Hello again Dear steemians, Today I saw another steem-crime and It makes me think about how can we defend ourselves and each, and our steem brothers and sisters in here.

If you go to the #Introduceyourself trending posts you'll see that in 1st place is this post from @hardfork-series, minutes ago I was looking at the new introduceyoursef posts in order to find good content from new users, welcome then and offer some basic help when I end up finding this post from a new user named @tuff333.

as you can see it is the same post, same title even same tags, only diference between then is that the coped one's text is not as well formated as the original one:

the original:

the copy:

As you can see in my previos post I've experienced a similar situation about a week ago.
when It happened to me I was only able to notice that thanks to @omwith who message me warning about what she has seen.

So today I decided do the same, I just send a reply to @hardfork-series post:

and also a small transfer with the same message as a memo:

when we have a look at @tuff333 blog's page we see that he is a brand new user but it appers to have copy several posts from others, as far as I know thins behavior should not be tolerated in our beloved community.

So this second experience with this kind of stuff make me think that we should build an mechanism to make it easier to punish this kind of behavior at the same time we spread this this to the whole Community, I mean only myself I could only notify the author about what happened, but since I do not have enough SP neither the author even if we both flag him, this will have almost no effect on it, and he could probable keep doing this kind of stuff until some whale finally find what he is doing and decided to smash his reputation removing this kind of user from our community.

So thinking about this realized that a simple creation of a Tag to expose criminal behavior like this could not only make this justice process faster but even motivate users to act like #steemit-police. The idea is anytime you see a crime or something that go strictly against the steemit rules like this you could make a post with links and images showing what you have seen with this tag, and users with more SP could at least once a day have a look at the #steemit-police too see if they could help punishing those who are acting against the community rules. this way we would have a decentralized justice where the whole community will be together fighting to make steemit a better place to everyone.

I think this should work couse:

1- Redfish and minnows (which is probably like 80% or evem more of steemit users) will be highly motivated to seek for people acting against the rules in order to make a post exposing them, couse they will should get some reward for his work from the whales who will judge it.

2- Whales are already earning a lot just for curation, so they surely want steemit to be a successful site forever, so helping useful users that expose bad behavior to grow in here by the time punishing bad users making steemit an even better place and more attractive to everyone which will surely makes our beloved community grow stronger and healthier.

3- Bad users will not last long in here, once they are massively downvoted and got a negative reputation, he will have no other option then abandon that account OR trying to make a new one but now following the rules

This way we should drastically reduce the amount of bad users in here by the time we create another mechanism to help redfishes and minnows to grow.

By the end of the day everybody win ^^/

please let me know what you think at this Idea, also if you have any suggestion of making it better, remember we are all together in this amazing spaceship called steemit, and together let's get where no other human was able to step on!

Ps: Remember by just clicking in the resteem button you will be giving an amazingly support to great content authors to keep doing his good work. So do not hesitate to resteem or even making a post about a good content you have seen, share it with your brothers and sisters! ^^

Thank you for reading my post.

I'm @andyluy a Brazilian college student, freshman at cryptocurrencies who live in Rio de Janeiro and love to make new friends, travel around the world and having adventures!I intend to post about amazing things I've experienced, and hope soon be able to bring you with me to my new adventures !

You are invited to follow me and be my guest into this experiences.

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Welcome here. Nice idea this steemit police hehe. I will keep an eye on it.

pretty good idea. I will try to keep an eye on that topic, as for this 'copier' I have down voted him to less than zero.

keep up the good work, I will follow and hope to see more posts like this

@fiveboringgames In subjects like this the more we all act together the better is the resoults we get, Thank you very much for your collaboration lets build up this wonderland named as Steemit

Steem on !

Congratulations on another interesting topic.

thank you very much for the resteem and also for your feedback!

Don'tcha love it when people actually read your posts haha!

I like the idea of using a tag when we come across this kind of illegal behaviour. I'm still a complete newbie though, so I'm afraid I don't have much input as to whether this would work well. Sounds logical to me though!

Also, what is a Redfish?? I've not heard that term... ?

Yeah it is good ! XD

yeah, the great thing behind this is that don't really matter if we have much or none SP *we can participate on this even downvoting or making post point to the criminals and another great thing is that is a great opportunity for people with little SP to collaborate positively with the community and get rewarded for it.
in the end everybody wins ^^

they It appears to be that steemit calls Redfishes the new accounts with 0~1000 SP minnow is suppose to be above 1000 SP, but almost every one only knows about the minnow, dolphin and whale names XP

Let's make Steemit a better, cleaner place.
Helping @cheetah & @steemcleaners cleanse the community. ;)

yeah those bots, have good intention behind them but I really believe the solution must be decentralized with everyone participating like the whole steemit Idea \o/\o/\o/

Steemcleaners is not a bot, it's real people. You can send links to steemcleaners, on I'm doing that myself when I find plagiarism, and lately that is increasingly often.

Oh, that's an really interesting info! thank you @kooshikoo !

You are welcome.

I like having the @cheetah bot around. If I see @cheetah in comments, I flag as necessary. Even though I don't read a lot of articles, I like to responding to good ones. I see that person you mention got flagged numerous times on that article.

It's always better if we all participate in making steemit a more desirable place to stay. Definitely plagiarism is a big no-no here. Let us all help build the community! :)

good pst . helpful. thanks

@sherlockholmes is looking for helpers.

I didn't knew about this account, it is really interesting indeed !!

reminds me !

I didn't know this band, I liked the music and clip!
thank you for posting it =D

It is a snappy tune ,just sing along and say Steem police instead of dream police. success2u

I fully support this @andyluy!! Since few weeks ago I see plagiarism and spamming has increased a lot! If this is going to be the future of Steemit, I think someone needs to do something on this respect!

yeah that's exactly what I think since we are in this amazing decentralized technology I strongly believe that decentralizing the fight against it is the one of the more accurately way do deal with.

We fight together, We rise together! \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/

Great work! It's good to see copy-cats getting toasted!


Yeah thats the Idea !
loved the gif LoL

Thank you for posting about this. Copying someone else's work is basically theft of intellectual content but the only way to enforce that is by building a community that monitors and reports it, so Thank for doing this! My company just joined steemit two weeks ago but we do work tracking false data, and we can could probably drum up a few volunteers to help if you want to organize a group to monitor intellectual property theft.

That's is something really interesting to think about, I think I should make some more post about this subject to help organizing Ideas, but I'm already truly grateful to know we can cont with your help, I'll be following you, and keep in touch to any further news !

And welcome to you and your company, you surely made a great choice when decided to join on steemit!

Steem on!

When you find copypasted posts you can always write a comment to @cheetah or @steemcleaners

Steemcleaners is a volunteer force for improving the quality of Steemit by reducing abuses such as plagiarism, tag-spam, and excessive posting with no valuable content.

Many volunteers, like myself, will also try to help people who may have unknowingly committed an abuse by pointing out the abuse and suggesting how they can do something similar without abusing the system. Some new users don't understand things like resteem or proper attribution.

This is an really great info indeed, I think it worth to spread info about those services too among every one !

Thank you for your help on this! Sadly with a great platform on this, We also have people trying to game the system.

Yeah that's true , but I think once we, as a community start acting, against this kind of behavior we may manage to eradicate it from steemit.
Thank you so much for your feedback and support @kaylinart you are really awesome, and you are also producing an great high quality blog, I highly recommend everyone who are reading this to have a look at @kaylinart 's blog!

I think that it would be helpful to have somewhere for us to report suspicious accounts to someone so that a 'detective' could find out whether it is a 'real crime' to be dealt with. The other day, I found a person having two accounts which keep upvoting each other and transferring money to-and fro! Then the detective must find conclusive evidence beyond reasonable doubt to punish the 'criminal.' Thank you for your effort!

I think there is already some people here doing stuff like this, I'll look a little further about it and than make a new post talking about it too ^^

Thank you for your information and sharing. Let me resteem this post for a better of our steemit comuntiy in the future.


Thank you very much for resteeming, Thats the better way to make Ideas listened in here ^^/
PS: really loved your Gif <3

Really great idea, we need to get read of people like that. To many people who does bad things to this community has showed up.
Every way to get rid of them is good 😊
They don't belong here. Respect and engaging
Not copying and bad behavior.
I will keep my eyes open. Thank you for sharing this.

I thank you very much @saffisara ! This really helps to spread the Idea and make more people aware of it ❤ ^^/

My pleasure 😊 it's a great idea and deserves to be noticed.
I wish you a great day and thank you for sharing. Steem on 💙

absolutely agree with you!

In fact a few days ago I came across one such guy who was stealing photos of unsuspecting girls and posting here to make quick bucks. Here's the post that i made

Yeah I know I've resteemed your post !
it was in fact one of the things that inspired me to make this one

this is needed, there are let's say "unsavory" people driving some off the platform as Steemit seems to do NOTHING even if violence is involved. So, Welcome and it's about time for this, ......

That's totally true @battleaxe is already time for us to stand against those kind of things !
let's spread this Idea and make people aware that they all have power to help in this great community o/

Ah yes I do believe we need a community effort to enforce such rules. I employ anyone to steal my works, especially my pictures. Because I WILL take you to court. If you think your anonymity will protect you think again. Dont be fooled and think you will get away with it either. My photos can be traced to anywhere on the internet.

I once had a photo shoot I did for a wedding. I gave them two sets of photos, ones without a signature and ones WITH my copyright. No one wants copyright photos in their home. These are SPECIFICALLY for PRIVATE use. Copyrighted ones for ONLINE use.

Well I found my photos on facebook, of course the ones without my signature on them. I opened a lawsuit against them. They had to DESTROY. yes destroy their wedding photos and remove them from facebook because I took my rights to my CREATIVE WORK back. It was in their c ontract. I won in a lawsuit worth 6 grand and they no longer have wedding photos.

Stealing others work is a crime, and in some cases especially in photography you are in violation of copyright if you want to steal. I highly suggest you think again. :)

that's a great speech @grizzlyadam4201 and a great exemple with your wedding photos, no one have the right to stole them!
Steemit is already a great place criminal here don't grow the thing I see is that the ciminal are mostly newbies ones that are not aware of how steemit works and think that there is no problem doing this, so doing this kind of stuff we'll be teaching then about how steemit works, and they can end up understanding and having a good behavior from now.

Good idea @andyluy, yes we really do need to adopt a more united stance against posts like this and their creators. But as @kaylinart stated, in all social media platforms, especially one like this one where there is reward for input, there will be chancers trying their hand at cheating the system. It really isn't fair when most of us put in time and effort to our beloved steemit.
I think when we come across these posts report them, down vote them and if possible flag them. Most of you have done here with this excellent post, write a post drawing everyone's attention to the offender.
Hopefully, if these authors still insist on playing dirty, they will come to the attention of a whale who will zap them. Steemit doesn't need this kind of negative abuser.

I couldn't agreed more with you @katdvine and @kaylinart that's why I think we should make Ideas of a decentralized fight against those users should be spread among steemit community, the more people are aware of it the less they might think about try something like this, and the more force we will have in this battle.

nice idea!
I wish we had a facebook-police for the freeboted videos happening all the time there.


yeah, that's one of the reason I think steemit has way more potencial than facebook, I mean I still have my facebook account and probably will still using it in the following years But I strongly believe that a future version of steemit could totally make facebook obsolete.

I also do recommend every one to have a look at @lucasgabd 's blog It is really interesting !!

everything is possible my friend!!!

thanks a lot for the shout out :)


What is interesting here is that obviously the content of a post doesn't really determine how successful a post is. I still try to figure out what does. And I think it's connection. The @hardfork-series is clearly not a new member to the community but an old one with a new account. That's not an accusation, that's more an assumption, a good guess maybe to know why they are so high on the trending page. I can be totally wrong with that and that would be fine with me. Please proof me wrong.
However @andyluy if you are looking for something new I can recommend you the @gnc - it's also a project of an old member of steemit but less recognized, gnc stands for good news channel.

Last but not least, yeah a steemit police would be cool, steeling content isn't, but as mentioned above, content doesn't guarantee trending page. I was the 100th upvote, hurray

yeah I understand your questions, I'm also trying to understand all the factors that make a post to become trending, I mean I do believe that It content is indeed one of this factors but you are completely right when you say it's not the only one, That's Why there is users such @curie and the upvotable project from @jerrybanfield that look up to find great content posts that is under-valuable in order to make it more visible therefore getting more value.

I'll sure have a look at the @gnc project as you said, thank you for the indication I really appreciate it ^^

I never thought somebody could be doing something like that :s I'll go and flag with my little tiny small power xD

Seems like it's getting off the way

Thank you! @fabiyamada all help is apreciated, I'm quite sure you'll soon be getting stronger as time pass by, just keep investing a bit of you time on steemit, It truly seems to be an good investment!
and if you eventually find something odd make a post like this, pointing what you've find and using the steemit-police tag if you help to find some of those steemit-criminal the whales may reward you for your good work too ^^/

I will pay attention to catch any copy rat!
<· )~

Its really good to discover such members and use the mute button. Lets keep the platform clean and fair.

Yeah, that's is another way we can fight against those people, muting them will make him invisible, if everybody does it is another way to rip him off from the community!

I @rahmi your followers @andyluy, many benefits that I can take from your post

Thank you @rahmi is good to know you are enjoying my posts ^^/

I like your idea... good that you thought of this and took the time to do this post. Great job!

Thank you @rebeccabe your feedback is really apreciated ^^/

Excellent! Great post seems honest for everyone.. I follow you ;)

Thank you for your feed back and confidence ^^/

I'm now aware. Thanks! Those bastards need some dirty slap butt!

Yeah, some need to be punished lol

very good post.
Steemit is about original content, not stealing, and not copy pasting from internet. but there will always be those "special" someones...

that's true, but if we manage to build up a good mechanism to educate those users, we can keep those actions like something extremely rare in here.

good point

Thanks for catching that post. You have some good ideas to weed them off steem. 🐓🐓

thanks for you good feedback @mother2chicks I apreciate that ^^

beep beep

So...we have cornholio, beeker and now road.runner

How do they have reps of 55?

that's a good question, maybe they have a high SP account behind them supporting it. but it is something that worth investigate!

Well, the bird is collecting good payouts without having a single post and has over 300 steem power and $300 SBD

Not only should people like that be banned from Steemit, but copy CATS deserve to get what cats dish out... boxes of cat poop showing up on their front step :)

Amén \o/

Decentralise everything !~!! that's the dream I am trying to live here, @Andyluy good looking out bro :)

Decentralization seems to be the word of the new age ! =D

So annoying that people have to be stupid and do crap like this!

yeah that's true, but they are digging their own grave when do it, we only must to act together to make sure to teach they that this behavior do not worth !

Welcome to the community, @Andyluy! Wish you much luck! Cheers! Follow me at @mekong

looks like we found a bot!

It is a bot...

This post received a 3.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @andyluy! For more information, click here!

Wellcome, looking forward to your posts :D

Man It truly is rough when nobody cares about the content they post.

It is indeed =\

Good info :)

thank you for your feedback @foxkoit ! ^^/

you are welcome :)

thank you ^^/

It is ok :)

Welcome to the steem community !!!
Good job !

Duly noted.

don't forget to use ^^

This sounds great, but being honest, I don't see myself as a very good "police". So, if I see a suspiciuous content, I'm gonna tag you in the comments with a "Dude, you should check this post" or something like that.

As you're taking very serious this theme, I would suggest you to invite your followers to do the same through a post, with some tips to detect fraudulent content, or even a code to tag you in the comment of such posts.

I think that being a "police", is a very good value to this community. I can see others joining that "force", and I think that you're earning the position to be the "chief", or even the "Police whale" ;)

It's really nice to read you. I think your posts are very welcoming and enforces the health of the comunity, and it realy makes you want to keep it going.

So thank you very much, officer!

What do you think? Can you see it working that way?

that's ok, you can tag me on it, but I think it could be very good for you if you make a post about it, I mean If you tag me since I do not have much SP the best thing I could do is to make a post to make it visible too, another interesting thing is you could make a post with prints and links to what you have seen, and then tag me in your post I'll have a look If I agreed it is indeed something odd, I can also make a post calling people to watch your post, the interest thing about this is that you will have a chance someone with good SP to see your post and both punish the criminal and reward you for your effort. This way the whole community wins.
I'm far away from being an officer hahaha, I'm just like a street cop, who wants to help to make this community clean and fair to everyone lol

That's ok. The thing is that, being a newbie, I still feel very overwhelmed and lost by the amount of information in this site, but you seem to be much more in your enviorment, and watching the dymanic of the site, and the receptivity of your posts, I thought that you could make a real deal out of this and form a team (as I know it's impossible for one to make the job).

At the end, every community needs a "police force", but I must confess that I'm more identified with the job of the "tormented and broke philosopher" haha! I'm laughing not to cry x'D

Anyways, I'm still just looking around while I decide to jump deeper in the water of the community. By now, I'm still just a turist sharing his thoughts...

Good luck around, sir!
Nice talking to you! ;)

I'm so brand new to this I'm reading all these kinds of posts to find out what it's all about - so thankyou for sharing!

thank you for your feedback @alissacrafter, here on steemit we are all learning more and more every day ^^

Hiiii Andyluy nice to read about you.i am Manas from india,am also a new on steemit and welcome you to steemit.i have followed, can you also follow me.Best of luck.

Needs needs attention. Cheater is always a cheater.

Welcome to steemit, Glad to see more people like you - here join steemit! Regards

Great man. I Love your this it will really help to make steemit a better place.

Thank you @godwin01 if we all work together we will also rise together ^^

Good idea. Resteemed. Hope this tag gets popular soon.

And if someone don't want to make all that effort to take images and create a post to highlight the spammer / scammer, won't it be easier to just reply it with the comment #steemit-police?

That's a good question, I mean I think by just putting the tag in the comment it will not make the post appear at the steemit-police tab but is something that we could try to see if it works

Why not? When we create a post and put a tag in the post itself, it is counted as one of the total 5 tags we can use. So I assume it should work the same as any other tag.

But I don't know where to look for posts in a particular tag. I know of only one option of finding it in Trending. But you can never find all the posts under any tag in "trending". Do you know where to look at? I think that is the key know where to look for comments which use #steemit-police as a tag

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