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RE: Steemit, Inc. Leadership Changes

in #steemit5 years ago

What do you mean? 3 hardforks in 2 years, with one being HF19 which was like one line of code (that took 6 months of the community demanding it)? Didn't you know that the most successful and anticipated HF to date is HF19, which is only successful because stinc still hasn't assessed the changes that small but 6+ month long demand from the community made. It's as if you want them to roll back HF19, but I know you really want a compromise in between the broken linear voting curve and the previously abused exponential curve (which gave way to linear), and I'm a dreamer like you. You remember the community deafening demand of more HF's with fewer changes? Lol

Posted using Partiko Android


Lol, steemizens are never happy,...

I liked the whale experiment, it solved the problems of the n2 and the ninja mine.
With responsible whales, it works to curate quality, or at least popularity.

Much better than pay to play proof of wallet that makes all the greedy f***s giddy.
We are supposed to be distributing steem, and not just to ourselves.

 5 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Hellz yeah!

No proof of brain, no peace!