Mute vs Unfollow - What should you do?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

So, I've followed a handful of people in the few days that I've been on steemit. It didn't take long for me figure out quickly who I want to unfollow right away. Several different profiles have obliterated my feed with resteems that quite honestly I'm not at all interested in.

So, I have two options - Unfollow them completely, or stay following them and just Mute. But really, what's the point of muting somebody?

Muting and unfollowing has the exact same effect, removing ones posts, or influence, from my feed. Muting however keeps the relationship 'alive' through maintaining the follow.

Tell me, when was the last time you muted someone in the real world? You probably haven't, ever. Because that would be rude, insensitive and really there is no construct to mute somebody that is in your physical space. In my opinion, muting someone is really quite a selfish action. You're signaling to someone (with a follow) that they matter, but really you've made a decision internally that their voice doesn't matter at all. I don't see any other reason to maintain the follow relationship if you silence their voice.

It's through features like this that social networks create a false sense of friendship, camaraderie and importance on both sides of the 'relationship'. Until there is a better reason to stay following someone that you've muted, do them a favor and just unfollow.


After my first month, I haven't once needed or found myself wanting to use the mute button / feature. I'm simply unfollowing people that I don't want to get notifications for anymore.

This post received a 1.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @britt.the.ish! For more information, click here!

The resteem explosion thing is only thing I have unfollowed anybody for.

I often like to compare online to offline. A resteem explosion is like meeting a new friend for a drink and all they do is tell you about themselves for the entire visit. They then proceed to get up and leave without listening to you and expect you to pickup the tip. Hah!

Haha yea something like that. I think obviously the intent of the resteem is really great, and I vote for them if I like the article just like anything else. It just comes down to the site organization. If there were some way for it to be off to the side, so like a left and right column (and preferably resteem column would maybe be a bit tinier.. I don't know not a website designer xD) then that would be great! Resteem 1000 times a day! But since there's only 1 way items are delivered to you it becomes pretty annoying instead.

Definitely agree with this, the feed problem can could be solved with design around the user experience. Another possibility would be grouping all resteems within a short timeframe from a particular user into one feed entry that has a button like [+3 more]. That would help cut down on the visual noise by overly excited steemers :)

Cool post bro! I like that you are even thinking about it :P

Made me think, and I will check who I want to REALLY follow!


Totaly agree

do you knoe how come i have more votes in the post then the number on the eye icon?

resteems can be great since I've learned of many posts that I would have otherwise missed but too many are annoying for sure. I go back and forth on whether to unfollow certain people but you have to experiment and see what works for you.

Totally agree, there are some people that I keep following even though the resteem a lot because I can see they resteem valuable content.

Would you be willing to read my latest blog The Future Will Be Faked and resteem it if it's at all interesting to you? This is probably bad etiquette, but you seem very friendly :)

This reminds me of the "hide" feature in facebook. It is more like I know the person but I am just connected with the person in facebook for probably business / acquaintances purposes (like a project for example), and wouldn't really want to know his / her personal life posted there.
Maybe steemit might have a group function later, where professional connection is there for certain things (like contract, or ico, who knows?) but wouldn't really have the time for all the tiniest feeds flooding away and covering up the rest of the important ones?
Just my two cents.