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RE: Introvert and the importance of having Internet friends

in #steemit6 years ago

I prefer to call it the goofy flag, and let it fly in the breeze. So nice, and so much easier, to just be yourself, and appreciate all that you can give and receive from the world. What else CAN you be, that doesn't take more energy than anyone has to give. And goof it up while doing it. I'm convinced humor makes the world go round. You just gotta find your banner, and I'd say you've found a large one yourself. More power to ya.

I guess I would classify myself as an introverted extrovert. All situation-ally dependent. I truly do spend a lot of time by myself, particularly if somewhere where all I want to do is take photos, and enjoy watching the world go round. Or creating art/writing/stuff. Other times, I enjoy being with people. Sometimes. And, much like my comments on Steemit, I AM a talker, to strangers, and they seem to tell me their life stories in too much detail sometimes, when I first meet them. Not sure why. I've been told it's because I smile a lot and my bottom teeth show. ???????

As for the internet, Steemit is my first gig, and it's all pretty new to me, but I've met so many fun and enjoyable friends on Steemit. I love it. And that tends to make me more of a homebody, just sitting on the machine. But like you, I'm HAPPY with it, talking to friends on here. It's a blast. I know I will probably not ever meet most of them, yet they are important to me. I always look forward to the commenting part of this interaction more than anything else. Maybe the fact we may never meet them, makes it easier, I don't know. But as you say, it's an important part of my life. Meeting fun people such as yourself, and laughing most of the time. Humor makes the world go round. At least in my view. Flap 'yer Flag...

EW1_0618-1 181kb.jpg
Self Titled Official Photographer in Sock Monkey Hat in Sock Monkey Booth at the Oregon Country Fair (with newly acquired Reggae Sock Monkey in pack)


Spending time with yourself is brilliant. You can do so much! You can be so creative! You can let yourself free to expand and grow. Being with people, you exchange energies.
I feel when I am with other people, I give my energies to them than what I take. So I command myself to be more and more by myself, but at the end of the day I am a too social. I need people, I need their love, I need their worship to me and their hugs. I am a very huggy cuddly person. I'm like a labrador. What can I do!
When you smile you have a welcoming face, the reason people trust you and want to tell you their stories! You must look like a reliable person :)
I can see how you are such an introvert. I felt that in your writing! I am very sensitive with people and with their face expression, gestures, but I am a bad listener in real life. So here on Steemit I can read and be more focused on the personality of the person who is writing.
In the photo, I thought you had a cock in your mouth. LOL. I'm such a psychopath.

The alone creativity thing is very real. We are such complicated beings. Needing and enjoying people, yet enjoying being alone too. I guess that is the yin and yang and joy of life.
Hee hee, it does look a bit that way. Sorry to report, just a Sock Monkey leg. Which is just fine with me, thankyouverymuch ( :
I wouldn't say psychopath, just a very alive person that speaks your mind.
I do smile a lot, so that probably does have a lot to do with becoming a Dear Gabby. I suppose I also do like to help problem solve on all scales of life too. So it's all good. Tillater