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RE: Steemit 'Spot The Truths' Contest! 50 SBD To Be Won! *Edit: Winner Chosen*

in #steemit7 years ago

Minnows with >100 Followers Unite!....ReSteem this Shit till we have 10,000 votes of some historically serious # recorded in steem's to perpetuity. You know you'll someday want todo a throw back to Nov 2017 and chuckle stupidly with all your new found steem friends.

I have in the spirit of steemness, I will post this as a suggesssion on at least 100 comments hopefully in the next 7 days or until I fund my account with false hope called fiat.

Until then steem on and lefties do 15mins of right handedwrist exercise everyday per Dr.Traf diagnosis.


Ok, I just had another idea, this must be worth some Shekels:

For Witnesses...I have 28 Witness Votes left (I think as I've voted for 2 in Team-Australia as instructed....still waiting for @choogirl to respond).

I will immidiately vote for first 10 to respond if you resteem this post and reply below, and if there is more interest than 20, will randomly vote for the next 10 if you don't come across as prissy.

Promise not to touch votes till 2018.