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RE: Introvert and the importance of having Internet friends

in #steemit6 years ago

As an introvert and self-imposed hermit (at least part of the year) I am very happy to have my 'internet friends'. It is important to have others to share things with and to bounce ideas off or just go off and be silly.

Before steemit came into my life this year, I was beginning to disparage online life. It has slowly been changing and places like FB and insta were feeling cold and just like a busy market place that people were selling wares and shouting, "look at me, NO ME!" I was finding myself spending even more time alone.

Now, steemit has really made me find a new group of online friends that I look forward to 'seeing' and 'chatting' with daily. I love our #steemitvillage!


Steemit is another story. People are appreciative and real. REAL is what we want! Real is what we are!
Facebook is the celebration of FAKE - you just show who you want to be or only the "best" bits.
In Asia they use facebook for work a lot, so I have to discuss about work stuff on messenger sometimes, how can I upload my photos of wigs and my deepest thoughts and share my passion in such a fake place?
Here people who are like you become automatically close. It is not only a matter of tags. At the end of the day, after a while we are here it is always similar names hanging out and I love it!

It seems we are still small enough here that we can find one another, but Facebook runs all sorts of algorithms and if you want anyone to even see your post you have to pay or it gets burried. I only post there out of obligation to 'you are supposed to share your artwork there if you are an artist' but I'm not sure why I bother.