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RE: Steem Guild: Another Important Update

in #steemit7 years ago

I love your stuff man. You are very creative. And apparently really smart. Thank you for recognizing two things:

  1. This is intended to be very positive
  2. It's not a finished product. We are constantly looking to find ways to improve everything about the guild. But you are right. It definitely takes time.

Hey does This Man have a take on this?


This Man owns a lot of mirrors because This Man knows how to recognize a good thing when This Man sees it. This Man also knows, in order to see things clearly, it's best to use Windex.

I absolutely LOVE that you just made eight bucks on a comment!! That is awesome! I added my vote and it gave you three more cents, I feel pretty proud of that, haha!

This Man is only learning about this now and did not prepare a speech.

I bet if This Man did write a speech it would be full of those words that make Other People laugh. Other People love This Man. Perhaps This Man would use hand gestures that would make Those Guys crack up.

It only supports my opinion that the guilds are made up of intelligent people with good taste ;)

This Man is a wise man.