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RE: Steemit Wallet 101 - Introduction and Key Terms [Illustrated Update]

in #steemit6 years ago

As the number of Steemit users increased, the number of SPs delegated to the beginning decreased. It is now delegated that the delegation offsets the total value to 15SP. The delegation is removed to anyone who gets 15 or more of their own SP.

We are now at a time when we can quite easily acquire SP. When the price of SBD drops again, we will gain SP with more difficulty. If the STEEM price does not drops.


Thanks for the info. When I started in late December I got 27 SP delegated to me, so it was frustrating that as soon as I started making my own I was dropped to 15SP. I wonder if there's a way to change the system so that if the delegated amount is 15, that you have it taken away on a 1-2 basis when you get more SP? In other words, you would only lose 1 delegated SP for every 2 SP you earned on your own until the delegation was gone. This would be less punitive.