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RE: Introvert and the importance of having Internet friends

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I have been thinking a lot about the importance of solitude. Being alone is incredibly important to feel good with yourself, be productive, be reflective, be many more things that you can't when you are in company of someone.
HOWEVER, I will reply with another quote: "Happiness is real only when shared"
Friends are important too. Having friends should not be difficoult if you don't have high expectations and let the people free to be and do what they want.
Steemit is beautiful because it is so real and people are so real. I loved to be away and see people lookking for me and I was looking forward to contact them back!


It usually is expectations on me that is the problem. If I can't feel comfortable being myself around someone because they think I need to be the perfect fit for them...or else, I just suck in their eyes. Sometimes people really are not worth the stress. A lot of people are set in their ways and only they can change themselves. Find one or two that you can stand and they can stand you as you are and spend the rest of the time experiencing and learning.

I think I can only handle maybe three major friendships at one time. It's really all I need as long as their solid ones. Even one good friend is enough.