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RE: Steemit 2017 Roadmap

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Wow! We have been (impatiently) waiting for this moment, but the present paper honestly exceeds my expectations. Thank you and congratulations! I suppose you have been working a few hours on it...

I will have to read it some more times to fully take every single detail. But I have already a short questions regarding one of the goals you mentioned:

Our primary short-term goal is to drastically increase the number of weekly signups.

Furthermore you mentioned at the very end of the paper that you intend to hire additional staff around community outreach and audience growth (amoung other fields of competition).
Have any specific marketing activities to pursue that goal been planned already - or better said: are there any plans that you can already talk about? User growth is surely one of THE key goals since its achievement will automatically help to solve other challenges along the way. So I am really happy you are considering to recruit the corresponding expertise. I am sure Virginia won´t be a problem here :-)

Again: thank you! Thanks for the roadmap, and thanks for building this platform. Independently from your future plans, you have already created something outstanding which has brought a lot of value to all of us. Every day.