Daily Steemit Faucet post for 15th May 2018 **FAUCET CLOSED**

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Join my SydesJokes Faucet Discord channel.

I will share the full post reward with all the people who Comment (jokes and motivational/inspirational quotes) and Upvote this post . If anyone wants to donate additional SBD as a sponsor you will be mentioned as a sponsor in the daily Faucet posts. Minimum donation to be a sponsor is 0.100 SBD.

No registration needed as the only thing people need to do is Comment and UpVote the post to be added to the days payout. Payouts will be calculated after 24 hours automatically so no further action needed.

Please make sure you Comment and Upvote while the Faucet is Open. If you do this after the Faucet is Closed you won't receive a share of the days payout.

Comments and Upvotes on these Steemit Faucet posts will NOT be counted towards my weekly payout.

Check the STEEMIT Matters Facebook Group. Give your Steemit ID or you won't be allowed into this Closed Group.

Today's Sponsors are:

Please follow them and Comment/Resteem/Upvote their posts to show gratitude.

Faucet Jackpot

If a Daily Faucet post gets over 600 comments or 800 upvotes, whichever comes first, the below 14 SBD sponsor donations will be added to that days payout.

The Faucet Jackpot target will rise on future posts.

New sponsor donations will be added to the below list until the Faucet Jackpot target above is reached. Sponsors should send a minimum of 1 SBD to @sydesjokes with a memo of "Faucet Jackpot donation".

SponsorSBD Donated

Faucet Payouts

The minimum withdrawal limit is 0.300 SBD (this may need to be changed later) to reduce the number of payments I need to send out each day. I have created a Pending Payments page where people can check their SBD balance to see how close they are to getting their next payout --> http://csyd.es/Steemit/PendingPayments/

If you want your payout before it reaches 0.300 SBD or you want to convert payout to Superior Coin (you will need a Kryptonia.io account and provide your name there) send 0.001 SBD to @SydesJokes and request it. For early withdrawals, except for converting to Superior Coins, there will be a 5% Early Withdrawal Fee. This may take 24 to 48 hours so please be patient.

Buy SuperiorCoin -> http://csyd.es/BuySUP/

Register for a Kryptonia account and earn SuperiorCoins for doing tasks.

Join my SydesJokes Faucet Discord channel.

Past Faucet Posts

Faucet DateSponsorsCommentsUpvotesSBD Payout
14th May 201882515582.40
13th May 2018102245252.40
12th May 201871925202.10
11th May 201882415642.40
9th May 2018113005532.80
8th May 201882905653.20
7th May 2018102015342.50
6th May 2018102425133.20
5th May 2018102675603.20
4th May 201882725493.00
3rd May 201892965783.00
2nd May 2018112505424.50
1st May 2018112405453.00
Faucet Posts for April 2018567812827104.70
Faucet Posts for March 2018380711626147.50
Faucet Posts for February 201823917673211.00
Faucet Posts for January 201850025940213.81
Faucet Posts for December 201790572719.00

SydesJokes Blog

Share your Steemit Posts on Kryptonia.io --> SIGNUP HERE

#Kryptonia #Faucet #Money #Steemit #SuperiorCoin #Upvote

There are 5 pages


Thanks as always

You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Virginia Woolf

I'm in!

I love your Faucet, Sir!

Waiter, I am outraged. There is one hair in my soup.

And what do you expect for this price? A whole wig?!

So gross...

could be worse lol

Nice updates always

Mother: "How was school today, Patrick?"
Patrick: "It was really great mum! Today we made explosives!"
Mother: "Ooh, they do very fancy stuff with you these days. And what will you do at school tomorrow?"
Patrick: "What school?"

Happy 15th!! Payday for some!!

Moses had the first tablet that could connect to the cloud.

Life is for living!

We have only one life and we got it enjoy it

Everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not yet the end.


They all laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian. Well, they're not laughing now.

Thank you, blessings!

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” LOTR

Love you @sydesjokes and your faucet

Gracias, otro día más.

Thank you, blessings!

Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.

Happy Tuesday ;)

Can i get full post sbd?

I suppose there's no harm in asking.

Thank you

This tine we win more

Thanks for sharing

For everything you do, always give your best :)

For everything you do, always give your best :)

Thanks man

«El único medio de conservar el hombre su libertad es estar siempre dispuesto a morir por ella»

Edgar Allan Poe.

Wish me best of luck, friends follow me if you like

I suspect that asking for followers is why your reputation has dropped below 25.

I really have missed alot on here..
Only yesterday tho

failed my exam today, just saying

Good job sir

I hope i will get more of this daily faucet

What is the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman?


Good job, thanks.

There are 5 pages