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RE: Status Quo Is The Enemy Of Change

in #steemmonsterslast year

Dave: a rare post from you. Cheers for that!

I have met you, I have shaken your hand, I know you are a solid personality. It is very rare to see you complaining about Splinterlands. So this is significant. I hope the team takes a look at this post. If someone like you who almost always stood firm with the team gets upset, they need to take care of the issue.

Game can’t survive without its community.


Thank you AZ! Back at you on being a solid personality (and person) :D

I do hope we get some attention to this issue. Leaders have to lead... They have to be held to higher standards if they want the community to give them respect.

We do have a great community and I want it to not only survive but prosper. So that's why I felt it was important to make these points. I care!