
I wonder why the creators of that game actually need a boss?

I wasn't there for it, but I assume they needed people to buy large stakes of SPS similar to a fundraise, so with his big bag of SPS (maybe the largest bag holder, I'm not sure) he became the de facto chairman due to his largest stake.

Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.

yes that's most likely the case. Its actually very normal as the investors need to have a degree of control because they have money at stake.

Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.

many times it happens when outside investors are brought in. Its part of the demands that the investors seek to protect their investment. That's not unusual, especially with VCs.

That's a game changer. Was not aware that there is another end-boss above aggyaba.

yep, that's why I care so much about 1 vote. To me its a very big deal.

How does that hapoen?!?!They built this game from literally nothing. Did they just let some asshole take over?

I don't know the mechanics of how that happened. But I know that right now I wish it didn't happen in the past.

Always good to see you JD! :)

Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.

Is it possible to fork SPL?
Why can't i remove my accidental self upvote?🤦😁

I don't know... but I don't think we are at that stage. Just remember we do have a lot of great things they are doing, and everyone makes mistakes. Especially mistakes of bad judgement.

I also don't think we're at that stage yet. It was more just a question of curiosity.

Regardless of what his specific title is, it seems to me that he is pretty much the boss. Anyone who wields this level of control over the games direction, might as well be considered the boss. This is extremely disheartening, and makes me even sadder than the bots in the game. Why even create a voting system if this is how it's going to work? I look at it this way, either Matt and Aggy had nothing to do with him voting, which is one thing. But if they had something to do with him voting that is completely something different. And truthfully that would make me even sadder. But, this is the single biggest heartbreak and let down that the game has ever dealt to me personally. It makes me feel like why the hell would I waste my time voting in the future if one person has the power to squash the will of the people?

I understand where you are coming from. I was pretty disheartened as well. I do think a lot of good will come out of it, but I understand that takes some faith for sure. Overall I think yaba and aggy will succeed here and the community will get what they deserve for standing by them. While it might take some time, just know that there are many of us like you JD, and we will together keep things moving forward even if they sometimes take an extra curve or two.

Well I'm not going anywhere. We got to stick together! I will continue to have faith in matt and aggy, as hard as it may be to do sometimes. 😁