Winner!!!! The Almighty SHOW ME YOUR MONSTER TITS Contest

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Here's the big winner for my contest!!!

@lenarose !!!!


Cards on the way!!!

Thanks all for participating!!!
Julie xx


And here Akox was thinking the rule was the one with the most comments would win....
Goblin discrimination!

Men melons are accepted too the comment count will be divided by 2 for men, since: EASY.

sorry I meant comment vote count ( vs value)

Fair play! Ah well Akox still got to see tits.
Tits and a boobster pack. I'm a happy goblin.

Great contest!

Was boobster a word play??? ;)

You saw trough my clever scheme ;P

Sent one pack to you because: my bad.

Congrats! I regret that I missed this tournament. I look forward to the next :)