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RE: Status Quo Is The Enemy Of Change

in #steemmonsterslast year (edited)

I absolutely agree for the most part. Only one aspect I tend to doubt:
"and the founders, @aggroed and @yabapmatt were abstaining to let the community decide"
I cannot really believe that there was no communication between these three. Given the previous comments made especially by Matt who openly expressed that he personally is against anti-bot measures, I fear the deal was that they do not vote with their stakes personally but have it ensured by Aly (as being the man in the shadow, who does not have to appear in front of the community and cannot effectively be blamed in THs or elsewhere) that the result of the proposal will be in their favor. Funny thing: Afterwards they can perfectly claim that it was the "community's will" that no anti-bot measures are taken ;)


Let's see. @Yabapmatt managed to get the proposer to include a "poison pill" and it still looked like it would pass. Then suddenly Aly steps in to ensure removing bots won't happen. Personally, I am seriously reconsidering my entire investment as I think that allowing bots is likely to lead to the death of Splinterlands.

EDIT: I now understand and we are in total agreement!

I don't understand your position here with the one below. But bottom line I do understand its a passionate issue that many people feel strongly on both sides.

Aly's title is Head of the SPS DAO Foundation. I made a mistake in saying he was the Chairman of the Board for Splinterlands.

Also if you could please inform the other Community Leaders of this, it would be appreciated. My Discord is locked for some reason, so I can't do it myself right now. Thank you @simsahas